Part 1

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People don't believe in others having powers because it was a thing of the past but no, we just keep it hidden. My friends and I we aren't normal, boring people anymore. We are irregular and unpredictable, but what teenager isn't. This is our story but nothing never goes as expected so let's have some fun.


My alarm clock starts blaring the same noise it does every morning and it surprises me this time, jarring me awake. "Fuck off," I groan as a hit my alarm clock so hard it breaks again. 

"Shit, not again," I whisper under my breath as I get out of bed.

I go to the shower when I get my clothes ready and I took a nice long shower letting me soak in the warm water. When I get out of the shower I look at my phone and realize that it is still the same time as I got in the shower, 5: 54 a.m. I know I did everything so I just ignore it this time and get my clothes on and I walk back into my bedroom. I'm in my room just on my computer typing up a school assignment due the next day when I here the bus come up to my house so I grab my jacket and backpack and get on the bus. when I get to my seat some kids start screaming so I put in my earbuds listing to "Black Veil Brides" so I don't punch a seven year old. When I arrive at school I see a rabbit go to the back of the school and then out of nowhere Raquel pops around that corner and goes into the school. How have I never seen that happen before it's like I can see when things happen before they happen and that's why I was looking today. I follow Raquel to her locker and say hi but I got no response. I tap her shoulder and she pulls out an ear bud. "Hi Gabe," she says as she gets her stuff from her locker. 

"Hey Raquel... I need to talk to you about something like right now."

"Ok Gabe, but you are scaring me right now."

"Hold my hand Raquel," I hold out my hand and she grabs with a bit of hesitation.

I run at the speed of sound with nobody noticing we are gone and I stop in the middle of a field. "I need help Raquel... I know you are like me I saw shapeshift this morning I need help." 

She smiles and then laugh, " I didn't think there was anyone else like me, so I began to feel scared and alone."

"I'm here for you forever and always but we need to get back to school," I exclaim as I run back to the school I feel something against my cheek and I looked over but nothing seemed to have happened.

Maybe this was a new life for me but it'll be a past life to the ones in the future, but for right now it's up to us to help people and maybe find some other stuff along the way.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2019 ⏰

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