#1 You Fall Off The Bunk While On Tour

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Irwin - Being best friends with 'the' five seconds of summer had its perks but the downfalls were way too many. One of them being, they force you to watch horror movies and then they make fun of you for getting scared. But touring with them was the best part of it all.

You climbed up to your bunk and pulled the blankets over your body. "Good night, idiots," you said with a laugh, which was followed by a chorus of 'whatever' from our punk rockMichael and 'good nights' from the remaining three hooligans. Today's movie night had scarred you for life and had made you really tired so it wasn't hard for sleep to take over your body.

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"No, don't kill me!" you tried to kick Freddy Kruegar away from on top of you. Suddenly you felt something hard hit you, and opened your eyes slowly.

"Are you okay?" a curly-headed boy was standing over you. You could feel the pain running through your body. Slowly, you shook you head and a tear ran down you face.

"H-he tried to kill me, Ashton," you whispered as he pulled you close to his chest and picked you up, bridal style.

"Everything will be fine. I'm here to protect you, Y/N," he said as he put you down in his bunk, and lay down next to you.

Ashton wrapped his long arms and giant hands around your body, giving you his warmth. "Thanks Ash," you whispered into his ear. He kissed your forehead in return. That one kiss started your relationship with Ashton.

Clifford - "You two are not going to sleep together," Ashton barged inside Michael's bunk ruining the mood. You both were about to do it third time this week but.. Not anymore. You scowled at Ashton and shot him an annoyed look.

"Why not?" Michael grunted from beneath you.

"Luke, Ashton and I haven't been able to sleep because of you two going down and dirty every fucking night. We need sleep desperately, shitheads," Ashton whined and glared at the two of you.

You were touring with your boyfriend and his band as being six months away from each other was too hard for both of you. It had only been two weeks and Michael was finding it way too hard to keep his hands off you which led to you two doing the frick frack.

You took a deep long sigh and replied, "Fine, Ash. I am very tired too because someone can't keep his thing inside his pants..." You gave Michael a dry look and followed Ashton to whichever bunk he was taking you to.

He gave you his bunk that was the top most one and shot you an apologetic look. You patted his shoulder with a laugh and climbed into the bunk. You could finally get a good night sleep.

"Wait, Ashton, where will you sleep then?" you asked him.

He replied with a grin, "I am not planning to sleep today. Tonight I'm going to play Call of Duty until I beat Michael's high score."

You shook your head at his childish behavior, "Have fun, Irwin."

- - -

Later that night, when you were trying to get down from the bunk to use the washroom you lost your balance causing you to slip from the ladder and you fell with a soft thud. The impact was harsh on your butt and you were sure that a bruise would be there the next morning.

"Hey, you alright?" You heard a sleepy voice from behind you.

Like hell you were. "What do you think, Michael?" you grumbled.

He chuckled and helped you in getting up and took you towards his bunk. "I think even the Gods above don't want us to be apart. You are sleeping with me."

You giggled and lay down with him. Michael planted a soft kiss on your forehead and brought you closer to his body. You hugged him and buried your face in his neck.

But one thing was bothering you... You still needed to pee.

Hemmings - You felt like one of the luckiest people on earth when Michael called you up and told you that he had managed to make space for you to join his band, 5SOS on tour. You loved being Michael Clifford's cousin, and the boys who were you were going to share a bus with besides Michael were damn hot.

But your cousin had already warned you that you were not allowed to flirt with the boys or even be in physical contact with them, sadly. This was going to be your first night in the tour bus, and the boys had given you one of the lower bunks because Michael had told them beforehand that the minute you fall asleep you turn into Chuck Norris and can never lay still.

You were shy enough from the start, and he had just made that worse. It was hard for you to fall asleep because of the bumpy roads.

As soon as you fell asleep though, the Chuck Norris moves started. You were really restless, mostly because you were sleeping in a different bed. In the end, your body took a tumble, and you fell off you bunk. You fell in this really weird way, and ended up with several scratches on your back. There was no one else awake, but Luke's bunk was the nearest to you.

"Luke," you whispered.

He suddenly woke up, and as soon as he saw you, he got up from his bunk, and came to help you. "What happened, Chuck?" he whispered in your ear and giggled.

You laughed softly at his joke while he helped you to stand you to stand up. "Can you check the scratches?" You asked him and pulled up your t-shirt slightly.

He traced your back with his cold rough fingers making you shudder with both pain and the coolness of his fingers. "Oww," you mumbled quietly as soon as his finger touched the painful part.

"Let me clean that," he said and got the medicine kit.

You took off your t-shirt, and stood in your bra, so the scratches were more visible to him. It was really embarrassing for you but the lights were off so he could not see anything clearly. He rubbed the cotton slightly on the scratches to wipe off the blood.

Suddenly a pair of footsteps came closer to both of you and you heard an annoyed and angry voice, "Why are you touching my cousin?"

Hood - "Y/N! Y/N!" Luke frantically screamed your name from the bathroom while you were trying to watch a movie.

You sighed and got up from the couch that was placed in the tour bus. Being the stylist of 5SOS was a fun but a hard job. You were responsible to take care of all their 'beauty items' and getting them ready every morning.

"What happened now, Luke?" you asked him tiredly.

It had been three months since you were on tour with them and you were not able to get a good night sleep because of the beds. Two more months and then you could peacefully sleep in your apartment.

Luke ran towards you and spoke with a pout, "Have you seen my hairspray? I cannot find it anywhere."

"I will find it for you, don't worry. Just don't scream like that, you gave me a headache," you muttered. He laughed and gave you a side hug. And then he ran back to the bathroom.

You were positive that Luke's hairspray was with Calum because he always loses his hairspray somewhere. You jogged inside their bunk area and started climbing the steps to get to Calum's bunk. There was a hairspray lying on his unmade bed, a chuckled escaped from your mouth at his laziness.

"Hey, what are you doing?" a voice startled you causing your leg to slip from the foot of the ladder. You could feel yourself falling down and it was a terrifying moment for you. A pair of arms caught you but still you fell with the person.

The next thing you know, you were lying on top of Calum. You were sure that your face was red like a tomato.

"Hi," he whispered making your blush ten times worse.

"Hi," you replied back.

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