Song Preference #1: I'm Not The Only One by Sam Smith

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Irwin -

"I wish this would be over by now,

but I know that's I still need you here."

Three months. Three whole months had gone since the big fight you had with Ashton, which ended up with the two of you breaking up. Harsh words were thrown that night, and it had wrecked your heart. Even when you thought of the things he had said to you, you tear up and everything inside you just breaks.

That night he had left your apartment that you two had been sharing for years, and he did not even bother to come by and pick up his belongings till now.

Every night without him in your bed, was like sleeping in hell. Every morning without his cheerful smile, was like a thousand knives in your heart at the same time. Every day that passed by, made you realize how much you missed him. You knew you weren't supposed to feel this way about someone you had broken up with ages ago, but you couldn't help it.

Today, he came to pick up his belongings, which you had packed down in boxes the day after he left. He could see that your eyes were swollen, that you'd become weaker, that you were shattered. But he didn't say a word. His face didn't look like the cheerful Ashton either; he looked as if he just had woken up. After he had put all his boxes in the car, he came back into the house and just stood there in the door frame staring at you.

You'd expected that he would say a final farewell and leave, but he didn't say a single word; he just stood there and stared at you sadly. This made it really hard for you, since all you wanted to do was kiss his sad face, and tell him that everything would be okay. But you couldn't manage to move a single body part. Everything felt numb.

"Y/N," he said and took a deep breath. "I'm sorry"

Both of you were tearing up at this stage, because you both had missed each other. With tears filling his eyes, you couldn't stop yourself from saying it. Saying what had been on your tongue, waiting to come out.

"I cannot do this anymore and I want this thing to end forever but I don't want to live without you."

(A/N: This is probably the worst thing I've ever written, and I'm soo soo sorry for it. -Kriti)

Clifford -

"When you call me baby,
I know I'm not the only one."

You and Michael had been together for quite a long time now, and you shared an apartment in Sydney. Today, as every other weekday, you were going to work. Michael said he was going to stay at home and write songs for the band's next album. He was home for the month, and even though you really wanted to spend time with him, you couldn't because of work.

As you were sitting by your desk and finishing off before you and your colleagues were going to go to a nearby restaurant and grab food, you got this genius idea. Why not surprise Michael at home with lunch? He had probably not eaten lunch yet, and the food you'd left for him was some shitty leftovers from the day before.

You bought some food, and unlocked your apartment quietly, so you could go into your room and surprise him. That's when you suddenly heard that someone was home.

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