Lances Part

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//Lance POV//

   "hey whats up castels computer? Im the red paladin, Lance!" is how i started my interveiw today around lunch. I walk out of the room with a sigh so Pidge can go in. she gave me a look but I roll my eyes and went to the kitchen for food. Hunk was making some type of space cookie thing so i took a try. "Hey!" hunk said and made me drop it onto the cookie sheet where I had picked it up "Thats for after dinner!" he scolds me "but im hungryyyyyyyy!" I whine and gave hima begging face. "fine," he huffs, "only one!" he says and handed me 3. I smile and thank him. He nods and then grabbed my hand. "lance? everything okay?" he asks worried. everyone seems to be asking me that lately. Which was odd, becauseIm doing just fine. 

   I nod but he doesnt seem convinced. "Im fine, Hunk really!" I say with my mouth full of cookie. Hunk nods again, "Lance...  We all know you are hurting..." he says sadly. I gave him a 'what the fuck' look and shook my head swollowing the cookie with some milk. "hunk, how many times do I have to say it? Im better." He sighs finally starting to bileve it. "okay, Promise?" He asks with this begging look in his eyes. I nod and leave. 

  Im walking down the long hall to my room and I pass allura, Not making eye contact. Ive tried not to talk or pay attention to her since she rejected me. Yes, it did hurt. Quiet a lot actully. Maybe it was because it was a automadic 'no'. She didnt even feel bad, and I know I can't change somones feelings or force them to love me but still. It still hurt. I started over thinking like i usally do and i started changing myself into someone... else. It was like I had killed myself, but not. Because, well, Im still here. 

   But that was weeks ago. Im better now, I promise. I have people here to help me. Such as Pidge, Hunk, Shiro, and Keith--- Well kinda. I dont tell them everything. I know none of them will judge me, but i know what needs to be kept to myself. Besides I know most of them have their own stuff to deal with. Pidge, is with her family, Hunk... He just loves making others happy. Shiro, He has enough stress already. We all know that. Keith on the other hand--- He is a whole diffrernt story. 

   Keith and I have a intresting friendship. He does not like anyone really. though I know he has been through a lot so i try not to push him too much. Do I wanna get closer to him? of course. But when I found out he was gonna be leader, I was hurt. this was about the time Allura rejected me, so I was really questioning myself. But like I have said before, I don't like telling people. Because they all have their own things to do. 

   When I'm walking down the hall back to my room i see Keith come out of the interveiw room. He came out of the room and turns around to the door he had just shut and punched it with a loud animal-istic noise of... Maybe its pain. Or maybe just him having his normal fit. Im not too concerned until he looks down and did a quiet sob while walking away. I turn around to go after him but something told me not to. 

   So I continue walking to my room down the long, long hall of rooms. It seemed to be colder than normal. I check thermas but its at a normal temp. A shiver goes up my spine as I feel something bad is gonna happen. But when I get to my room I look to my left to see Shiro hugging Keith as he sobbed into his sholder. I stare for a moment and enter my room with a sigh. There was this gaping hole in my chest and I didnt know what to do. Tears start pouring out of my eyes as I close my doors and sit on my floor. I close my eyes and cry. 

   A hour later I feel someon shaking me with their hand on my shoulder. I look up to see pidge and she looked terrrified. "Lance..?!" She asks waiting for me to respond, "Yeah?" I ask and she sighs sitting back on my bed. "WHats wrong?" I ask and she gave me this look as if I was the biggest dumbass ever. "You have got to be kidding me." She says bluntly. "What?" I ask again. "I came in here to call you out for dinner and you where on the floor crying and shaking." I has no memeory of this at all. "No I wasnt." she rolled her eyes and stood up "Whatever. just come out for dinner. just clean up frist. you look lik shit.''. I nod and go into my bathroom. my eyes where red and my hair was a mess. Ive never had something like this happen since I was younger. I take a hot and quicks shower and go to dinner. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2020 ⏰

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