It begins

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"It's Romanos!" Italy said only to get cut off by his brother's stream of cuss words.

"It's not very long so it can't be that bad. Romano doesn't like to admit it but he likes living with Spain." Italy smiled not minding how the secrets were starting it seemed they were just going to be white lies everyone occasionally told.

"Get off me tomato bastard!" Romano cursed pushing off Spain who was now trying to hug him.

"Ve~ It's Canadas!" Italy said happily looking up at Canada, he was one of the few people who paid attention to him.

Many nations began questioning who, witch pissed off America and Prussia a bit.

"Dudes, it's my brother! Ya know the guy above me, the one sitting beside me!" America yelled motioning towards Canada who people were just now starting to notice. He only stayed sitting there quietly hugging his bear.

"Dear Diary, I don't mind that people sometimes forget me. It still sometimes upsets me, but my brother and a few of my friends always remember me so it's not like I'm completely forgotten. It's sometimes lonely at my house, but Prussia has been staying over a lot so it's been really loud at my house but also lots of fun. Ve~ Prussia I didn't know you were friends with Canada! Canada we should all stay at your house and have pasta!" Italy said making Canada smile and nod in agreement.

"Ze awsome me think that it'd be totally awzome!" Prussia yelled agreeing. Some nations looked sadly at Canada a little upset at themselves that they've been ignoring him so much.

"It's Romano again!" Italy said looking at his brother.

"Why!!!!" Romano yelled in protest.

"Romano would never tell Italy, but he didn't total Italy's Lamborghini because someone cut him off and made him crash. He got caught in a mafia shootout and blew the car up with dynamite?!" Italy yelled glaring at his brother somehow with his eyes still closed.

"What?! Not my fault it was an emergency and I was couldn't find my keys! Not like you would've wanted it anyway. Had blood from the dead guy I hid in there." Romano tried to defend himself but Italy only got more upset.

"Dude! You're in the mafia? That's awesome!" America yelled thinking of all the mafia movies his nation has made.

"You put a dead body in my new Lamborghini! I spent a decade saving for that car and you brought it to a shoot out!!!" Italy yelled slamming his hands on the table the way Germany sometimes does.

"Italy I know your upset about the car, and it is completely Romanos fault, but I think we should continue reading." Spain said trying to keep the two brothers from going at each other thoughts.

"Ve! You're buying me a new car!" Italy declared with an unusual amount of sternness. Romano just crossed his arms ignoring his brother's demand.

"It's Sealand!" Italy declared making the small micronation look up confused as to what the book would say.

"Sealand wishes that other nations and especially England would recognize him as a nation, or at least a soon to be nation. He often gets jealous of Seborga because his brothers accept him as a nation." Italy said sadly. England looked over at Sealand surprised.

"It's ok Sealand it took a while for me to get recognized, I'm just lucky that I was accepted so quickly." Seborga said patting the smaller nations head comfortingly.

"Ve~ Me and Romano think that one day you'll be a strong nation despite how small you are right now." Italy said confidently.

"What the idiot said." Romano grumbled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2020 ⏰

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