The Cage

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Depression isn't a cry for help,
Suicide isn't a cry for help,
Anxiety isn't a cry for help,
Mental breakdowns aren't overreactions,
Anxiety attacks aren't overreactions,
Panic attacks aren't overreactions,

But the SOURCE of those illnesses, are also the source of deaths, or criminals.
Manipulation, bullying, and abuse are the three well known actions that are overlooked by those that overuse it on innocent people.

3 types of people use that like it's water.

3. Higher ups (bosses, managers,  presidents, the goddamn government etc.)
2. Peers (classmates, coworkers, 'friends')
1. Family (where it always starts)

Family is the strongest factor of those that overthink, don't care about themselves, or really just want to end it. They're the ones that institute that whatever detox that calms their children down is ridiculous.

Ventilation and meditation is an option, but the house hold makes it so that it's unnecessary because it's not taken seriously enough. It's been burned into their minds, that 'no one cares, just give up', at a YOUNG AGE.

This was just a PSA rant bc toxic parenting and gaslighting should be considered a sin at this point.

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