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A year. One whole year since Mia had begun managing global superstar Liam Cooper. Of course, the year had been a complete rollercoaster and at the beginning Liam was barely known in his own city, let alone the world. The prospect of managing a client as her first 'real' job straight out of university was utterly daunting and terrifying for Mia, someone who detested change and struggled with not being awkward upon meeting new people. The interview process still feels like it was yesterday. A massive conference room at Liam's record label's head office, with three beady eyes watching her every move, over analysing her every answer. Somehow, she succeeded. Maybe Liam's lack of notability at the time, maybe because she was more qualified then she gave herself credit. However, she succeeded she did not care, gaining the job meant she could move out of her parents' home and move to London, which she had always dreamed of. To her it felt her life was finally just beginning.

And it many ways she was right. A nice flat, new friends and experience in the career she had always dreamed off. She had decided early on in life she herself may not have the talent or guts to be famous herself, but did not want to miss out on the lifestyle. So, what better way to experience it than by managing people who were living it. Manging Liam meant she could travel the world, build contacts in the industry and most importantly gave her Liam as a friend. Spending so much time together the pair had become extremely close, learning every little detail about each others personality, but more importantly every little annoying tick. It was safe to say the duo who worked so well together had a relationship which mirrored that of a brother and sister. That's why Liam's ever-growing success made Mia so proud, she knew even when they first met in Liam's first dingy flat in London, which he was sharing with several other musicians which later formed his band, that he was destined for big things. Mia always did pride herself on having a slight psychic ability, even if everyone else did take the piss out of her for it.

When I say, Liam had become globally successful within the space of the year, that is no lie. However, it would be untrue to say the success had not come from its fair share of trials and tribulations and hard work. That is why the opportunity for celebration the Brit awards offered was exciting and surreal. A well-respected organisation recognising Liam's work within the music industry changed everything for the whole team involved with Liam Cooper. So, whilst Mia and Liam had spent the past year working tirelessly together, it was this point in their journey together there was a shift. The event triggered a ripple effect of events which would make the next year of their lives together even more eventful. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2019 ⏰

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