Part 17

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Sophia's Point of View

The next morning I pulled into the scrap yard around ten. I had received a text that Riz had taken a nasty spill off his bike and he required attention. I was exhausted, sore, but most of all, I was confused. Again. Lately, it seemed that I had only one feeling or emotion and that was confusion. When I woke up, Angel was gone. There was no note, no text, no nothing, and I knew exactly what that meant.

Last night was a one time thing. It was a mistake. Tensions were high and we were both looking for an outlet. It should never have happened. Or at least that was what Angel would probably say.

I took in a deep breath before grabbing my coffee and my bag and getting out of the Jeep. As I made my way towards the clubhouse Angel and Coco were both outside smoking. I still hadn't spoken to Coco since yesterday, but I had every intention of doing so after I tended to Riz. As I approached them Coco smiled at me and Angel completely avoided my gaze.

Needless to say, it hurt.

"Morning boys," I said with a smile, trying to act like nothing was wrong, "Coco, can we talk after I'm done with Riz?"

Coco nodded, a small smile tugging at his lips and I caught Angel looking over at me out of the corner of his eye. I had no idea what he was thinking.

I had been a fool to think that Angel would put himself out there for me. It was never going to happen.


Angel's Point of View

To say I fucked up would be the understatement of the year. When I woke up this morning, I was tangled up in the sheets with the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen, laying naked beside me, and I panicked. We both reacted last night. Our bodies wanted the same thing and we went for it. However, when I woke up this morning, I knew she was going to want to talk about what happened and what it meant and I wasn't ready. I still wasn't convinced that I could ever be the man that she deserved.

When Sophia greeted me and Coco this morning I knew she was hurt that I didn't acknowledge her and I should have, but nothing I said or tried to say would make what I did right. If anything, I made her decision easier. EZ was better for her than I would ever be.

"What the hell was that?" Coco mumbled, cigarette hanging out of his mouth, "Whatever it was, it was fucking awkward."

"What are you talking about?" I asked as I threw my cigarette on the ground.

"I thought you said you were going to Hank's to talk to her last night?" Coco asked curiously.

"I did..." I replied, "It sort of took a turn...we didn't exactly get to talking..."

I could feel Coco's eyes burning into the back of my head.

"What do you...fuck..." Coco mumbled, "You slept with her? slept with her and then you bailed on her this morning?"


"Angel, what the hell is wrong with you?" Coco growled, "You're a fool...if you have an opportunity with a woman like Sophia, you take it and run with it...don't sleep with her and then bail. Jesus, any of us would be lucky to have someone like her..."

"Spare me the pep talk, Coco," I grumbled, "I know I fucked up. EZ deserves her, not me. I'll never be the kind of guy she deserves, so please, let's drop it."

"Ok, carnal...I'm only gonna say this once...You're a fucking idiot."

Don't I know it.

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