sat. December 28th

10 1 1

I'm starting to regret all life choices.

I mean, like why am I here? And the Wi-Fi is down so that's great. Why do we all exist. Why does humanity exist? Like why did we have to evolve, we could have stayed as microscopic bacteria and cells, but we evolved into these flesh suits and ruined the Earth. Ugh, I want to devolve, fuck this flesh suit. Ive been listening to Lo-Fi hip hop for 3 hours now. Kill me. Like I love lofi and all but like oof. Ugh today sucked. Dentist appointment, arguments, over eating, you deleted the book you've been working on for months.Yeah, today wasent a successful day at all... AND your girlfriend broke up with you like what 4 days ago! Eh, no big deal. I'm pretty unlikable anyways.

-get a better life me!

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