The random curly hair boy

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• this takes place during WOLF era •

"Man, where you at?"

Earl screaming into Tyler's ear. Since all you could hear in the back was music because they were at a loud ass concert. Earl invited Tyler, and a few of his other friends too.

"Uhhh, I'm at the stage nigga."

Tyler saw Earl, Taco, Jasper, and Lionel around the corner so Tyler ran up to them, scaring the fuck out of them.

"Dude what the fuck!" Earl shouted.

Tyler laughs at the face everyone made. Our favorite rapper MF DOOM came up on stage. He played, "One Beer"

Tyler loved how he put up all the chords in the background. He even sampled it in "Odd Toddlers", which he fucking hated.

After the concert, Jasper went to get tacos for everyone since they were hungry as fuck.

Tyler was talking to Earl about how they should get a picture with MF DOOM.

//Time Skip//

Later that night, Tyler and Earl actually got a photo with him, and were surprised by how nice he was.

The group was walking and chatted about how the concert was. Then out of nowhere some random nigga pushes Tyler. He smelled somewhat of liquor

"Fuck nigga you good?" Tyler asks

Tyler puts his hands on the guys shoulder, keeping him in place since he could barely stand.

"Man he's fucked up, nigga partied too much." Jasper joked

After tyler got a good look at the dude, he kinda liked his curls. They sorta reminded him of the ocean.

The group couldn't understand one word word the guy said and they worried he wouldn't be safe outside alone

"Should we take him with us?" Earl asked, sounding a bit worried

They agreed they should take the dude with them cause who knows what could happen with him out there alone

//Time Skip, They Arrive Home//

Tyler tries to give coffee to the unnamed man since he was pretty fucked up. He takes the coffee and drinks it, slowly beginning to get sober. He looks around noticing a N.E.R.D album on the ground. He gets up and picks it up off the floor

"You're into this?" He asked

"Yeah, fly or die is tight"

"Fuck yeah "fly or die" is tight! I haven't heard it in a while since I'm so fucking busy doing shit"

"Hey, what's you're name by the way?" Tyler randomly asks

"Oh, Wyatt. Yours?"


They both stare into each other's eyes and Tyler notices Wyatt's kinda cute. He loved how his gorgeous curls stood out the most. Tyler started to lean in a bit to kiss him and... So did Wyatt.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2019 ⏰

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