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"Satomi, meet Sora. Sora, don't be a jerk," Naruto introduces, giving Satomi a bright smile before turning his attention to Sora and glaring. Satomi blinks in surprise, glancing Sora up and down before bringing her attention back to Naruto.

Sora was about their age with a bob cut of navy hair and tanned skin. The robes he was wearing indicated that he was a monk at the fire temple, but the scowl on his face suggested that he wished otherwise.

"Nice to meet you, Sora. Welcome to the village," Satomi said hesitantly, raising an eyebrow at Naruto that silently asked for him to explain.

"Sora was involved on the last mission the team took, and it was decided that he would be safer in the village. Since Sai was injured on the mission, he will be a part of Team Kakashi for now!" Naruto exclaims, chummily throwing an arm around Sora's shoulders.

"Get off of me, you weirdo! Who is this chick, anyways?" Sora growls, pushing Naruto away from him. Satomi narrows her eyes placing a hand intimidatingly on her hip as she turns towards the newcomer.

"Satomi Uchiha. I'm a member of Team Kakashi, so you better get used to me. Speaking of which, I'm cleared to start training again, Naruto, so I'm sure the next mission the team goes on I'll be on as well," Satomi informs, a gleeful cheer erupting from Naruto at the news.

"You're cleared to start training again? What, did you get your butt kicked and go crying to the hospital?" Sora asks with a sneer. Naruto's jaw drops at the accusation, while Satomi tilts her head with a sinister smile.

"Sora, I wouldn't-"

"Try several weeks of torture in enemy territory, you fool. I'd be careful what you say around people, because if I wasn't a rational and forgiving person, I would knock you out right now," Satomi threatens icily, shutting Sora right up. She could tell that he had people issues, but she also wasn't just going to allow the kid to go around insulting people when he knew nothing of their lives.

"You- uh... You didn't give off that kind of vibe?" Sora tries, a smile - although it looked more like a grimace - rising to his face. Satomi's lips twitch at the statement, knowing that that was his form of apology.

"Right. Lots of shinobi don't give off that kind of vibe even though they've been tortured because it's a part of the job. Either way, I'll forget you said that and we can start over. I'm Satomi Uchiha, I hope you'll enjoy your time on Team Kakashi," Satomi states, her eyes daring Sora to say anything otherwise.

"R-Right... " Sora mumbles, taking a step away from the two and glancing to his left dejectedly. "I'm gonna go look around some, catch ya' later."

"Wait, Sora! Don't you want some company?!" Naruto asks, giving Sora a bright grin. Sora scoffs, turning away from him as if he were nothing more than trash.

"I wouldn't even dream about it. Go somewhere else, would ya'?" he responds, leaving Naruto and Satomi alone. Satomi narrows her eyes at Sora's retreating figure, taking note of Naruto's angry grumbling beside her.

"I don't get good vibes from that kid. He's very ignorant," Satomi murmurs, looking to Naruto to see what he thought. Naruto hums, bringing a hand to his chin.

"Yeah, he's kind of a jerk. You weren't on the mission, though, there's more to him than he gives off. The way those monks looked at him..." Naruto trails off, watching Sora disappear in the crowd. "They reminded me of how the villagers used to look at me."

Satomi hums in acknowledgment of his connection to the boy, lips quirked downwards in a frown.

"Either way, with a mouth like that he's going to get his ass whooped. I know it's not your responsibility, but I'd keep an eye on him if you don't want him to lose a few teeth," Satomi suggests. Naruto scratches the back of his head with a dejected sigh, watching Sora's figure retreat with a scowl.

Hardened Heart |Sequel to The Strength of the Weak|Where stories live. Discover now