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We all stepped out of the car after Octavia parked directly in front of the mall. There were barely any cars around the place. I had also gotten the pleasure of meeting Omid on my way here. He didn't say a thing to me. He stared at me and never took his eyes off of me. Very intensely. It was like he was expecting me to pull something like jump out of the car. Had Eron told him something? And now that we were out of the car, I no longer had the safety of a leather seat to protect me from his intimidating gaze. He was still staring at me. Haley seemed to notice how uncomfortable I was because she slapped him on the back of his head.

He turned around to face her with anger radiating out of his eyes. "What the fuck? Why did you do that?"

"Because you are staring at the Luna like a madman. She is uncomfortable. Can't you see? Stop taking Eron's orders so seriously, you party pooper." she lowered her voice, making sure that nobody around us could hear.

Funny, she's also following his orders and yet she's acting like she isn't.

"It's alright. Let's just get this over with." I sigh loudly, staring down at the card that has been warming up my hand for the past twenty minutes. My hand is practically sweating.

"Why are you unhappy? You're finally out of the house for once." Haley questioned. Before I could open my mouth, Octavia grabbed my arm roughly and dragged me towards the mall doors.

"Stop yapping and get to shopping!" she exclaimed, excitement clear in her voice.

Everyone followed behind her hurriedly, trying to keep up with her abnormally fast pace. I look back at Omid, who was able to keep up with absolutely no problem. Who exactly was he? If Eron trusts him with information about who I really am to him then he must be an important person.

We finally reached the inside of the mall. I couldn't help but gape stupidly at the scene. Everything was white. Everything. It was spotless. There were chandeliers hanging from the abnormally tall ceiling that had to be made below the second floor. What type of mall is this? Octavia drags me towards the center of the mall with me still struggling to take in what I was looking at. I looked back down at the black card and then back up, feeling paralyzed in place despite being moved so much.

Maybe I should have stayed home-


Maybe I should have stayed at Eron's house instead of coming here. Octavia probably would have gladly come to spend all of the money in the world to get both me and herself some clothes. I glanced at Omid, who still had his cold stone eyes set on me. He was anything but happy to be here. Clearly forced. We eventually walked into one of the stores that Octavia found herself interested in. I decided to stick with Haley, seeing as she wasn't as hyper as Octavia was. As we were casually strolling through the clothing store, I decided to ask Haley a few questions about Eron. After all, I didn't know anything about him.

"Hey, Haley." I nudge her shoulder while she pulled out a shirt. She turned her head while still looking at the piece of cloth and hummed in response.

"Mind if I ask you a few questions? About Eron, I mean."

She let go of the shirt after hearing his name and she smiled. "Of course."

"I've never actually seen him touch food. He doesn't eat. Well, except for the time that I forced him to eat the breakfast that he made me, but that's not relevant. It was forced and he looked like he hated it." I said. Haley took both of my arms and extended them out, placing a few shirts onto them. I let my right arm fall to my sides and held onto the clothes with my left arm.

"You don't know?" she questioned.

"I'm pretty sure I don't know if I ask you about his eating habits. What is there to know? Is he on a special diet?" I ask. She placed more clothes onto my arm.

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