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This is a message to all of my kinds sleeper agents. If you are one of us you will know by the end of this message. My kind have no name but we are here to protect against the biggest threat to humanity. We call them The Feared. Unless you are one of us they are almost completely invisible to you. They could be anyone they hide among the humans feeding off of fear. If a human does see them it Is almost to late. They will appear as what you fear most. Sometimes even you won't know what that is till you see it. But if you watch those around you it shouldn't be to hard to recognize one. They will usually be that one person who is just naturally popular and always seems to be able to convince people to do what they say. My kind are the only ones who can fight them. We are able to create a metal-like substance that once you truly awaken will appear as a weapon. Said weapon can be disguised as anything but once you need it it will be there in your hand. If you are one of us you may be a loner, mabye you are really suspicious of others. You tend to stay away from others even fear them. This is your genetics trying to protect you. If you are one of us by now you feel weird, like your being watched you will most likely start thinking about some random item you tend to carry around with you at all times. If that is happening to you congrats you are in the first step of awakening. You are easier to be detected by the feared but are probably safe for now, but be careful. Don't try to talk to your family about this because they wont know. The parent that passed these Gene's on to you will have dissapeared, you may have never met them, or you are within the 10% of our people like me and your parents are not one of us. If that is true you are in even more powerful than the others. All of our kind is safe till the age of 21. That is when they can truly detect you. Once you hit that age though you will slowly finish your awakening. You will start to have increased reaction time, hearing, and sneaking skills. By then your body will also have battle trained its self. If you are there get ready because they are after you by now. Don't try to tell anyone else about your secret because the more you tell the weaker you will get. It's a curse given to our people to stop us from causing a huge worldwide panic. By now you have probably realized what will happen when people see this. I am going to die. It is my choice to die, I have been since the age of 17 when I mistakenly tried to tell a friend about it. Let's just say he wasnt what I thought he was. I am now 30 and have been in groups of our people trying to work together. Don't make that mistake. It may seem like a smart idea but it's a death sentence. Out of the 5 groups of 6 people and 1 group of about 15 people I have been in i am the only one alive still. I watched the other get slaughtered time and time agian. I can't do it anymore. The guilt of their deaths keeps me up at night. I just want to join them, if there is an afterlife. So if you are one of us be careful if you live to about 60 you become undetectable by them but also unable to summon your weapon so good luck. Never forget you are the guardian of the human race, you are the only thing standing between the humans and total extinction. Good luck guardian I hope you can do better than me.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2019 ⏰

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