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Virgil was hard to work with unless Logan was there for Virgil really didn't trust anyone but Logan but he still had moments where he trusted Patton and Roman and Often you would find Virgil in someone's lap asleep Virgil slept most of the time due to his injuries because he didn't feel the pain when he was in deep slumber but he still was stuttering which made Roman Patton and Logan a little uneasy

Virgil was still not aloud to walk but he was now aloud to crawl as long as it was indoors and he didn't get dirty
A week later

Logan- from what I observed it looks like Virgil has speech problems from the traumatic brain injury

Roman- but what caused the brain injury

Logan- as stated before a blow or force to the head

Roman- Oh my I just realized

Logan- realize what

Roman- we found him hiding in an alley way hurt do you think his past owners...

Logan- that's highly possible considering his lack of trust

Roman- I'll kill them if they ever try and hurt him again

Logan- Roman please violence is not the answer especially when we don't know the full story

Roman- you're right but still I wouldn't let them any where near him and if they try I will end them

Logan- Roman you are so protective when it comes to me and Patton and now it looks like Virgil to but we all know Virgil is way to pure to even see what happens when you get all protective

Roman- I didn't mean to put them in a coma but they shouldn't have asked you and Patton to go to the park with them

Logan- god all the things you would do to his past owners if you meet them

Sorry it short I just wanted to write something

One jump from the edge ( Sander sides) Neko Virgil Where stories live. Discover now