Side Chick

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Our breaths echoed in the empty bedroom, panting filling the silence.

We lied down on the bed, our cheeks flushed, faces heating up, bodies numb.

"That was-" Spoke Scott, his breaths interrupting his phrase.

I chuckled and nodded, "Yeah it really was".

We giggled together, continuing to catch our breaths. Unsure of how long it would take for my body to be filled again, for my lungs to stop craving for more, I began to analyse the ceiling above me.

I had been in this room many times. Had sat down at the bay window dressed in pillows and blankets. Had sat down at the desk, my words helping out the boy next to me with his algebra homework. Had even sat down on this bed, giggling at the words spoken to me.

I had been coming here for almost three years, yet I still managed to find new elements to this location.

The ceiling was a light brown wooden plates horizontally placed next to one another to hold together the upstairs area.

The bed I was lying on was a lot
more comfier than I had remembered, or maybe it was just this experience which had made it more comfortable, more noticeable.

"What should we do now?" I asked, my lungs calming down.

Scott sighed, "I'm not sure".

I continued to stare at the ceiling as the silence creeped back into the bedroom.

I listened to the silence, the faint noises forming from the wooden floor. To the water droplets hitting the windows from the outside. To the loud wind as it whooshed through town, brushing everything in its way.

My heart stopped, body shivered, body petrified as I felt Scott's fingers on my skin. They delicately traces circles on my arms, the hairs responding to this fine touch by reaching for the sky in pleasure.

I let the smile on my face soften as my head slowly turned to the side, my eyes meeting with his.

"You're beautiful" he softly spoke smiling at me.

My cheeks flushed red. The butterflies in my stomach awoken. They started to fly around my body, hitting everything in their way, unsure of how to control themselves.

I continued to stare at him, his beautiful brown eyes, which looked golden under the bright lights were lighting up the room. His smile was so bright, so wide that it made mine stretch out even more by the second. His hair was messy, a nice messy, the type of messy that makes your stomach flutter when you see it, the type of messy that tells you that this person has allowed you to know things about them, a side to them they don't show many.

"Buzz" the phone placed on his bedside table vibrates through the wooden surface.

The boy leaned over towards the phone and placed it on his ear.

"Hey baby" he smiled at the other voice on the phone.

My smile fell down into a straight light, my butterflies hid away from the world, my cheeks calmed down.

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