Untitled Part 1

8 1 1

*Tick, tick, tick, tick*  

The clock was moving every second, slowly making its way around the never ending path.

The wind moves throughout the windows, into the building, and around her ears.

The cold air brushed against her soft, smooth skin.

. . . 

Erin looked around; students with their heads down, scribbling down notes and answers to questions far beyond the on she was on, the professor-- sitting there, on his phone not paying attention to his students. Erin finally looked down at her test, she groaned quietly.

"Agh.. I don't want to do this anymore.." she whispered.

She sighed before picking up her pencil, 

Name: __________________   Date _______ 

Question 1:

Jake has 69 stickers, Mark gives Jake 73 lollipops.

How many people has CJ killed (Explain why or why not)?


"What the fuc-" Erin was confused, the person next to her gave her a death stare which meant, "shut up, before I make you."

Erin quickly looked away before whispering under her breath, "I thought this was my history class.. why do I have to do this I-," Erin basically slapped herself. She quickly filled out her name and the date and started working on the first problem.

Ten minutes go by..

A few people stand up and turn their test in.

Thirty minutes go by..

Around 26 people go to turn their test in.

An hour finally passes.

Everyone except for Erin has turned in their test.

The professor is tired of waiting, "Excuse me, Miss, class is about to be over, I need you to turn in your test."

"WAIT WAIT WAIT I'M ALMOST DONE!!" Erin was rolling a dice to give her answers to the test-- basically guessing. The professor walked up to Erin and tried taking the test away,


"I want to go home, I need your test now."

"I'm. almost. FINISHED."

Erin had given up at this point, she let go of the test which sent the teacher flying backwards. Erin did her best to contain her laughter before booking out out of the room to leave.

"HEY COME BACK HERE-" Those were the last words she heard before she left.

 Erin got her test back a few weeks later.

"oh my god I passed.. with a 95??" Erin was shocked.

"I knew I could count on that dice."

And then she dropped out of school.


(This is a small thing I wrote for Erin due to her request of wanting to have a story about her. omg love you erin if you're reading this kisses mUAH)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2019 ⏰

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