New things

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Feelings, new and sprouting from something I didn't expect. It's everything, the way he gets me the way he says he's "got me" when he defends me or supports me. It's the dumb way he dresses and his sense of humor. It's his love for singing and love for singing with me. It's his hair that I want to run my fingers through.  It's his helpless romantics that I have felt the same way. It's the way he describes his feelings. It's how much we trust each other, how close we've gotten, the happiness I get just from being around him. It all just feels like it clicks. It's his humor, his laugh. It's the way he wants to hold someone's hand, to have someone to cuddle, to play with their hair and make them happy. It's how he wants to call someone Lovely instead of babe or something. It's every little thing about him and I shouldn't like him. I shouldn't have a crush on him like this because he likes her and I'm trying so hard to support that. But she doesn't see him like I do. She doesn't care about him the same way I do. She looks past him, skips over him like a song she isn't that into. But he gets how songs work. He doesn't want to skip songs because he feels bad about it. And that's how I was with him at first. I just didn't skip him. And unlike EVERYONE else who thinks he's worth skipping, I stuck through it. And I found something amazing beneath the bad start. He's a beautiful enigma that deserves more than he wants cause she doesn't want him and it's gonna crush him.

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