Chapter 1 {Origins: Aou}

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     I never had a quirk from the day I was born. I was the 20% that was unlucky in society's eyes. For the longest time I believed them. I wanted to be a person who can help people. Everyone looked to All Might but I can't find my motivation. I remembered two boys who were in my kindergarden class. They loved him so much. I can't remember them that well. Although their light was a factor in my will to keep trying to find a way. I remember one of them being so sorrowful. It broke my heart as a child. I could never be a hero, without a quirk it's impossible. It doesn't mean I can't help somewhere there.

   Years have passed since then. I'm now 15. I never got into AU. I hear the boys I met long ago are there. Even the boy that was so sorrowful. I can't help but smile knowing that they will grow to be wonderful people. The cherry blossoms are in full bloom. I smile as I had cleaned myself up for the first day of school. It was a cruddy school with a few encounters of bad people but I chose it for that reason. Then I remember one boy. His red eyes that complimented his brown hair. I loved his determination. He's gone now. I never got to say thank you. I reach the gate with tears in my eyes. I smiled as brightly as I could.

   He didn't die in vain. He was my hero, he never became one to society but to me. He was everything that kept me from being depressed. I walk around the campus and see an old gym. I walk in as I am an hour early. This gym being condemned from the public. My eyes take a good look at the dusty gym. Whispering under my breath, "This is the perfect place to train." If I can't rely on a quirk then my physical strength is the next best thing.

    The world relies on strength now. It's discouraging for me. Villains are too dangerous for me I can't fight them yet. Around the corner, I hear a scream. Of course, this isn't the safest place but it'll help me practice on a few real deals. Now though, I'd have to rely on a hero. The scream is muffled now. My heart pounds, my eyes began to water. I feel my feet move under me. I can't stop. My heart pounds faster than my footsteps. I can't always wait! It'll be too late for some situations. "Help!" Screamed a little girl. My eyes watered more. "Hold on! I-I'm coming!" I yelled as I reached the place. A man who was using a quirk that seemed to hold people like puppets. Strings from his fingertips. My eyes widened. Why? Why am I doing this? Although her arms are starting to bleed from the pressure of the strings. Her eyes were full of pain and fear. My heart pounded more than anything. I grabbed the lid of a trashcan. The school bells rings.

   I hear it ring in my head but it's silenced by the call for help. Heroes will arrive right? But how soon. By the looks of everything now. Not soon enough for this girl. Her friend is hiding I can see him from a good distance. The villain glares at me and smirks. I throw the lid and jump forward to catch it. I skid my knee but stop the lid from hitting the girl. I had a feeling he'd use her. My heart dropped as my legs felt a light pressure on them. He secured the strings on my legs. I throw my bag and take clumsy got the scissors. I reach out as he's distracted. I free the little girl, her eyes glimmered as I mouthed, "Run!" Her feet moved to run and I felt a heated anger on me. The strings tightened faster than it did for the girl. Screaming I felt the pain. It was cutting off my blood flow in a few place. Being spun by him in the air. The scissors stolen from my hand. His strings are like thread. So thing and fragile unless it has many put together.

   The feeling of being freed fills my lungs. The world doesn't spin anymore but it instead it rushes in one direction. My back hits the burning asphalt of the road. The wind is knocked out of me. Based on this guy I doubt he would have made a mistake of letting something sharp cut the string, this had to be intentional. I try to regain my breath but I realized that it's been more than a few seconds and sounds of fighting flood my thoughts. I get up to see a boy with messy hair that could be long enough to be a bob cut. His eyes were red, he summons a light from his hands that blinds me. Closing my eyes I hear frustration. My hands touching the hot ground, my lungs taking in lots of air that was cool against my skin. The tears in my eyes as I felt myself get lighter, I then look around.

   Stopping my scissors in the glisten of the light but also the threads that once held me in place. Disregarding the scissors I grabbed the threads and run around this guys. The sounds of people rushing in. My heart dropping, I did it. Yet, "Woah kid you did pretty good!" I hear the boy get praise. He accepts it yet I hear some doubt. A hand pulls me away as they take care of the man. The little girl running up to me as I was about to be lectured. "Thank you!" was the last thing she said before running off with a smile that made me cry. As I was being lectured I realized how hard this was gonna be. The hero then treated me like a glass flower.

  My mind started to fume, 'Don't patronize me. Don't pity me" I hated being pitied. The boy I turned back to look to seemed like he was gonna die from all the people around him. Wanting to help, I decided to cry again. People lecturing and pitying me which made me fume in my head more. They all left satisfied with the story, "Boy saved little girl while helping the quirkless!"  It pissed me off more than anything. Yet that boy seemed to have been timid around the media. No, he was furious. I saw his fist back then, it was clenched with his eyes covered. He walked away after that. I don't think I'll ever see him again. He left behind a note though.

  Looking back I guess he was just kind and really wanted me to feel as if I had a chance. The note supported that fact. "Thank you, I'll be honest. I'm too much of a coward to help my little sister in any real danger. Yet, you went, quirkless, I admire that. Please, don't change, but stay safe"

   Smiling I put the letter in my pocket while heading to school thirty minutes late. I can't believe I ran here without a guarantee of success. I wonder... Can I really help heroes if I can't become one? Well I'll strive to be my own hero. No one can stop me, it's my decision after all. I'll show everyone that being quirkless and powerless are two different things in a new light.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2020 ⏰

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