Lady Midnight Predictions (and whats ahead)

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Based off of snippets, parts of City of Heavenly Fire, and wiki research on the characters, I've put together a series of predictions for The Dark Artifices trilogy. Not saying this is what will happen, but I might just be pretty darn close. Cassie may be good writer, but she isn't exactly unpredictable. Trying to incorporate all these points into this fanfic.

1. Emma\Jules\Mark or Other Guy love triangle (urgh,)

The Emma and Jules ship was practically screaming for attention on the LM synopsis. The one person she is forbidden by Shadowhunter law to love? Now if that doesn't scream Jemma, I don't know what does. But of course, there is also the whole parabatai thing for them . Now I'm not sure if there will be a love triangle with Mark but slowly its becoming obvious that he will play more of a major role in the series, and will be reconciled with his family. But in CoHF Emma was noticing a lot about Marks face and body, and although she was at that age and it was just a bit early to tell, it hints a bit at Emma \ Mark. It could also be Emma\ Another Guy that will be introduced in the series, like a Jace or Jem. It would also be really awkward if she had to choose between brothers- Oh hello again, where have we seen you before? But if her other books are any thing to reference, Clare is a sucker for love triangles (though I wish she wasn't) and Jules and Emma are definitely part of it.

2. Emma will choose Jules.

Its always the one that is mentioned in the blurb first. Come on-  Jules is Emma's everything, and if alleged incest didn't get in Clace's way, a demon curse couldn't sink Wessa and 200 years couldn't stop Jessa, then some measly Shadowhunter law isn't going to get in the path of Jemma. Also, they are closer then blood, and we know from CoHF and snippets that they would do anything for each other and hold complete faith in the other. Sounds like a great love story to me. Also, Cassie chooses guys with J names. Jem, Jace, Jules.

3. Jules dies (not permanently, Clare doesn't roll like that) OR the Law is changed.

Just like Clace couldn't go making out everywhere as siblings, Jemma can't start a romantic relationship as parabatai. So if Jules dies the parabatai bond severs- but like Jace, and Jem and Simon (and Harry, and Luke, and Percy, and Fang, and Sherlock, and the Doctor, and...) He isn't going to stay that way. Cassie loves to kill off boyfriends (look what happened to Jordan) but she can't seem to keep them dead for very long. When Jules dies, he and Emma are no longer parabatai and are now free to have a romantic relationship. (Alec and Jace are different because Jace was brought back by an Angel. I think? I don't actually know. I think Cassie forgot about them being parabatai.) It would also be easier to change the law as like a reward or something, but we know the Clave, and we also know that Cassie is never going to make things easier for these guys. So death it is. Probably in the last book to keep us angsty. Welp.

4. Julian goes to England, and Emma realizes she loves him.

The snippets clearly state that he has gone to England (with TID references,) and there are a few about him talking to Emma about how it created an awkwardness between them. In one he talks about how he's jealous of Cristina, which means Emma realized she loved him while he is away and is avoiding him by hanging around Tina more than him.

5. Jessa !!! (Duh!)

Jem and Tessa have waited 200 years to have their fun, and they had better get started in Lady Midnight or else we'll all be disappointed. I'm thinking marriage, and a lot of fans predict that they will already be married at the start of LM and will have a baby on the way. It might be optimism speaking, but its a definite that they'll be in Los Angeles and will probably be supporting characters in TDA since we have seen Magnus in both TID and TMI and now I think Jem and Tessa should have their turn again. There is rumor that if Jessa does have a kid, his name should be William. Not a big fan for the renaming for 200 years thing, but it is cute. And probable.

6. Fey= BAD guys

Now that we've cleared our ships out to sail, we have to remember the fey aren't all

fine and dandy with the stupid Clave law and are probably pretty pissed that they can't have weapons or military. And we all know the Seelie queen is a raging, crazing witch b*** so I think its safe to assume that they are ready to extract their revenge from the Shadowhunters at the start of LM. Remember, in CoB Jace tells Clary that the fey have entrances to their world all over, which means that they have one near the LA institute. Also, the Shadowhunters have now a hatred for the faeries so that means that there will probably be a war. So they may not be the main bad guys, but they wont be on the side of the angels. (Lol)

7. The death of Emma's parents will play an important part.

Cuz reasons! It will be her pressure point.

8. Mark\Other Guy in Faerie

Cuz I ship it. In the snippets , its clear that Mark had a lover in faerie. They obviously will have some problems after Mark returns to his family which will probably cause a fight between them. The reason I used to say Mark\Cristina is that in the snippets theyre together in a bunch, and Mark is bisexual like Helen.

9. Old TMI characters will not only be referenced but will show up.

Shown/mentioned in the snippets. When Clary talks to Emma about Church (TDA snippet), it seems that they know each other a little more. They might be minor  in TDA.

10. Mark will be the leverage the fey hold over Nephilim.

Nothing else would work quite as well.

A\N Is it Jemma, Blackstairs , or Emmian.?(I saw one person use Emmiam and thought it was a bit weird but thats just me. I feel like one half says Jemma and the other says Black stairs.) I want to know what their official term is so I don't seem like one of those wackos on using the wrong ship name. Like, "Shohn" instead of "Johnlock" (Sherlock x John) . Seriously? Its embarrasing. Anyways, thanks.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2014 ⏰

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