Thor ships it

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Status: pre-dating

"That's complete and utter bullshit!" Carol protested as Valkyrie downed another shot without a flinch.

"What? Can't handle this, lightweight?" Valkyrie said cockily, motioning the bartender to set up more.

"Your cheating!" She slurred slightly. The two girls had had a lot to drink in the past couple of hours to celebrate their successful mission...well that was what they said despite every one on the team knowing it was just to spend time together. Conveniently they were all busy.

"How?!" The Asgardian questioned loudly.

"You're...You're...You're a goddess!"

"Not technically!"

"Oh you definetly are!" Carol said with a grin, that was usually something she would say in her head but thanks to the alcohol she barely had a filter. "Asgardians can probably hold way more than humans!"

"Even if they could I thought you were meant to be a special kind of human."

"My powers don't raise my alcohol tollerence!"

"Pretty shit powers then." Valkyrie quipped and the next thing she knew Carol was laughing like that was the funniest thing she'd ever heard in her life.

Valkyrie began lining up more shots on the bar for them both to spark more flirtatious competition when Thor entered and strolled towards them, a knowing smile on his face.

"You're smiling like an idiot." Carol commented through laughs that she still couldn't stop.

"He is an idiot." Valkyrie said as she smiled at Thor whose smile didn't falter at the words and instead looked over at Carol who had collapsed into the bar of laughter again.

"Looks like you ladies are having fun." He said glancing at the shots.

"Definetly. Finding out how much of a lightweight the captain is."

"Well that's hardly fair, Valkyrie. Everyone knows Asgardians hold their drink better than any being in the galaxy." Valkyrie paused and looked over at Carol who was giving her the death glare of the century.

"I fucking knew it! You liar!" Carol pointed at Valkyrie who chuckled and put her hands up.

"Alright, alright! I'll make it up to you." She winked but Carol was too drunk to understand.

Thor simply stood their smiling, his sober state still making him as oblivious as Carol.

"I ship you guys."

"You what?!" The pair said together.

"The spider boy has been teaching me more earth terms." He said proudly.

"Oh dear Odin." Valkyrie muttered to herself but Thor was now walking away.

"Enjoy your evening ladies." He waved.

"What does shipping mean?" Carol slurred.

"No idea." Valkyrie lied, Peter had explained it to her when he said the same thing Thor had to her. "Whatever it is I think he's right." She grinned.

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