Kill Or Be Killed

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When Peter woke up he was blinded by a bright light. Grimacing, he held his up and slowly let his eyes adjust against the bright lights. Once his eyes adjusted he looked around, seeing that he was in the hospital room with a very worried looking Neecie.

"Neecie why am I here?" Peter asked his voice raspy and low.

"You fainted in your room after you told me to leave. I heard a thud and I came to check on you. You're body was jerking uncontrollably and you weren't responding to anything we thought we lost you." Neecie explained wiping tears from her face.

Peter sat up a little looking around. Then he noticed a dark figure behind the doors window. At first glance he thought it was Rissa coming back for round two but the mystery man or woman just stood there for another minute or so then left.

" long was I out for?" Peter asked, returning his attention to Neecie who eyed him curiously.

"Almost a week. The doctors think it's from all the stress you have been under lately." She said handing him a cup of water

Peter drank it quickly and became a little sad that there was no more to drink. Looking at Neecie she smiles and went to get him more water. After that she left to fetch the doctor down the hall. After drinking the second cup of water he looked around again and saw his phone sitting right next to him. Picking it up he saw that he had a new text message from an unknown number. Opening it he saw a message that made him wish it was just a dream.

There in his small screen showed Rissa covered in dirt sweat and blood tied up and gagged with a saying "kill or be killed." Peter did not know what it meant but he did know one thing. He had to save her. He knew that his old Rissa was there somewhere even if he has to force her to come back. Quickly he flung the warm thin blanket off of him and got dressed in the clothes and shoes Neecie brought for him and slipped out the door without a trace. He knew that Neecie would be hurt knowing he left without getting checked but he knew this was what he had to do. He had to save her. He didn't know why but he had to. Deep down he knew that if he did this then maybe, just maybe, Rissa will come back to him. Then a thought occurred, what if she was being forced to do this. He knew her, she wouldn't do something this vial unless she was being forced to.

"Peter?" Called a voice behind him.

Stopping in his tracks he turned around to see Neecie standing there short of breath. "Where are you going?" She asked.

Peter softly sighed and walked back to her. "Rissa she has been kidnapped by God knows who, I have to go and save her," He replied looking at the ground.

"After everything she's done to you? Why would you risk your life again?" Neecie said trying to wrap her head around it.

"She may have done bad things but she's my wife I just can't sit here and watch this go down. If I was given the chance to help her knowing our situation I would do it in a heartbeat." Peter said with tears in his eyes.

Neecie realizes that he has nothing else to lose. So she agreed to help him find her. They didn't know how long it will take but Peter knew exactly who to call to at least get an accurate location from where the text was sent.

Pulling out his phone Peter called the only person fit for the job.

"Hello?" Said a slightly aggravated voice.

"Sis its me. I need your help with something can you meet me at my house in five minutes?" He asked hopefully.

"Oh sure because I totally drive that fast to make a twenty minute commute to a five minute one" she argued

"Yeah I know but my life may be in danger." Peter said trying to get her to agree.

"I'll be there have the alcohol ready because you're about to tell me everything." And with that they hung up.

Neecie handed Peter the keys and they hopped into the car heading home to meet his sister. He didn't plan on telling her that Rissa is alive till he knows for sure that Felicia will help with the impossible task. She is the greatest hacker the FBI has ever had. So surely she will if it's for the greater good.

After pulling into the driveway he noticed his front door open and grabbed his knife. Looking around he slowly went in to find a pissed off redhead sitting at the counter.

"I told you to have the alcohol ready." She said looking in the fridge.

"Well it's in the basement for one and two thank you for coming," Peter said going to hug her.

Neecie ran downstairs to get the drinks. And then they all say at the table filling the cups with drinks.

"Now what is it Peter. What makes you think your life is in danger?" She asked blowing smoke out from her vape.

" I received a text saying kill or be killed. With a picture of Rissa under it." Peter said taking the chance.

"Well she's dead so. Let's see the message and I'll track it to the prime location," Felicia replied holding out her hand for the phone.

Peter handed it to her and she got to work. They waited while refilling her cup and made small talk. And no more than an hour later she finds the location.

"It's in an old factory building if. I were you I'd take back up," Felicia said writing down the address for Peter.

"Thanks sis. I will if I need it but right now all I need is Neecie. I'll call you if I need you okay?"

Felicia nodded and hugged Peter goodbye while her husband came to pick her up. As soon as she left Peter ran to his room and got his archery set.

"If we're gonna get her back were going in with the element of surprise," Peter said pulling out the arrows.

Neecie smiled evilly and they got to work on the plan to get her back

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