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It was the first day at UA and Kirishima not being a Villain. He came up with a new persona that he going to put up while in school and out in public. He also dyed his hair a crimson red like his eyes to help hide his identity even though he knew it would do nothing.
He walked up to the gate of the school to see a lot of other students. He hasn't been in a crowded area like this since middle school, along with being around so many kids his age. He walked throw the gate to the school building past all the kids. He walked in the building and walked to his classroom. He was in class 1-A, hero course.
When he walked in he felt off. Usually he would be killing someone but he couldn't. It took everything he had not to. "Ok, where to sit," he thought. He found a empty sit behind a kid with yellow hair with a lighting bolt on it. He thought it looked cool. The kid turned around and smiled at him.
"Hi, I'm Denki Kaminari. What's your name?" The kid told him cheerfully.
"I'm Eijiro Kirishima," once he said his name a girl screamed his name. He looked at the girl. She had pick hair and pink skin with small yellow horns. She walked up to him. She went to his middle school. He forgot her name thou.
"Kirishima! Where have you been. You went missing about five years ago!" She yelled at him.
"Um sorry. Who are you again?" He asked her with a sly smile.
"I'm Mina Ashido. We were in the same class sixth grade," she told him.
"I'm sorry, I was gone for so long that I forgot your name," he told her.
"It's fine, but what happened to you?" She asked him.
"I was really depressed after my mom died and not long after that my dad died. I really didn't want to be around people at the time. Sorry," he told her. Kaminari just looked at him.
"You locked yourself away for five years because your parents died," Kaminari said. He nodded his head. "Dude, don't you think that's a little much?" He asked.
"But it wasn't on the news and I even went by your house and you weren't there. Your dad said you ran away. Why?" She asked him.
"Shit," he thought. "Um, I went to my grandparents house," he told them. They gave him a look but didn't question it.
"Did anyone ever look for you?" Kaminari asked him.
"Nope, and I don't care that they didn't," he told him. He then heard yelling. A guy with spiky ash blonde hair was yelling at guy with green curly hair.
"How did a useless shit like you get into UA!" The blonde yelled. The kid flinched. It took everything in Kirishima not to hit the blonde. He hated those words, defiantly how he's using them. It brought back bad memories.
"Kacchan!" The other kid yelled surprised but scared at the same time. Before anything happened the teacher walked in and stopped it and everyone sat down. He introduced himself then told them to go change and go out side to the back of the school.

When they got out side they did a bunch of test. He also learned a few of his classmates quirks. He got number eight in the Quirk Apprehension Test, which is what they just took.
After that they went to lunch. He walked to lunch by himself. He new he needed to make friends but he didn't know how. He felt a hand on his shoulder he had to resist the erg to flip the person over his shoulder and stave his hand in there chest. He turns around to see Kaminari.
"What to eat together?" He asked him with a smile. Kirishima thought.
"It would be the best way to make friends this way?" He thought. "Sure?" He told him with a smile.
"Come on then," he told him grabbing his arm and dragging him to the cafeteria. When they get there that get some lunch and sit down at a table. At the table was Mina, a guy with black hair and weird teeth, a guy with balls on his head, a guy with brown spiky hair, a guy with a rock head, a girl with purple hair, a invisible girl, and the boy with ash blonde hair.
"Hey Kirishima," Mina said with a smile. He smiled back. "Hey, how about we all introduce ourselves?" Mina said to the table. Basically everyone nodded there heads.
The guy with the rock looking head is Koda. The guys with spiky brown hair is Sato. The invisible girl is Toru. The guy with balls on his head is Mineta. The guy with black hair is Sero. The girl with purple hair is Jiro. The guys with blonde hair just sat there looking at his phone.
"Yo, dude, what's your name Blasty?" Kaminari said to the blonde. The blonde look at him.
"Fuck off Pikachu," the guy said. This ticked off Kirishima.
"Yo, he just asked for your name, no reason to be rude," Kirishima told him.
"I don't give a shit," he told him just as rude. Kirishima tried so hard not to snap at him. Kirishima then got a closer look at him.
"He's the kid that's got captured by that one villain," Kirishima thought. "Your Katsuki Bakugo, you were on the news a few months ago," Kirishima said. Bakugo looked at him.
"You don't look as dumb as you look," he said.
"Wait your that kid. No wonder I recognized your quirk," Kaminari said.
"Yeah, how did someone with your quirk get captured?" Mineta asked, in a teasing way. Bakugo slammed his hands in the table standing up.
"Would you like to repeat that? I didn't quite hear you!" Bakugo yelled at him making him jump some. Kirishima smirked.
"So he's a hothead," Kirishima thought. "Dude, calm the fuck down," Kirishima told him. He honestly hates dealing with hotheads and people that are all bark and no bite. They get on his nerves.
"I am calm," Bakugo told him before grabbing his finished lunch and walking off. He watched as he threw it away and stomped out of the cafeteria. Kirishima just rolled his eyes.
  "I'm sorry about Kacchans behavior," a guy with curly green hair told him.
   "You know him?" Kirishima asked him.
    "Yes, were childhood friends. I'm Izuku Midoriya, but you can call me Deku if you want, everyone else does," Deku told him.
   "Deku sounds like a insult," Kirishima told him. "By the way I'm Eijiro Kirishima."
   "Well nice to meet you Kirishima and yes, Deku is a originally a insult but I see past it," Deku told him.
   "I'll just call you Midoriya," Kirishima told him.
   "I'm fine either way," Deku smiled. "But um, I'm still sorry about Kacchan. He's always had a temper and says what ever he wants to how ever he wants," Deku explained.
   "Oh, but he shows so much hatred to you," Kirishima said.
   "He's my bully you could say, but I'm ok with it. He's been doing it my whole life basically that it don't affect me," Deku told him.
   "I'm sorry you have to go throw that," Kirishima told him in a sad voice. Then memories of his bullies coming back. He gripped his head, his teeth together. He's body started to ache when he remembered all of the kicking and punching. Everyone at the table looked at him worriedly.
   "Kirishima, are you ok?" Kaminari asked.
   "I-I got to go," Kirishima told them before storming off into the hallway leaving his lunch on the table. They gave a worried look to each other.
   Kirishima found a restroom and walked in it. He slumped against the wall holding his head in hands as he sat in the floor, knees to his chest.
   "Your becoming weak. Get a hold of yourself. Your on a mission," he's other self told him.
   "Shut up! I know that! I'm trying to keep it together!" He yelled aloud to himself.
"You know you want to break loss and kill everyone here. Why not do that?" He's other self said.
   "I can't! I have to keep it together. I have to wait a while," Kirishima told his alter ego.
   "Come on it'll be fun. Show them all the pain the world caused you," he said.
    "SHUT UP!" Kirishima yelled.
   "Remember all the pain your father and the world caused you. Your mother killing herself in front of you. How everyone wanted you died," he told Kirishima. Kirishima gripped his hair. Memories coming back that he tried so hard to get rid of.
   He then remembered how he slaughtered all of them. The ones that caused him all of that pain. All the blood he spilt as he killed and tortured them. A evil psychotic smile grows across his face. He brushes is hair back with his hand and looks up at the ceiling.
   He then heard the door open. He's smile goes away and he looks at the door. It was Bakugo. "What the hall are you doing on the floor for?" Bakugo asked him, with a confused look on his face.
    Kirishima stands up. "Oh sorry. I sort of lost myself so I tried gather myself," Kirishima told with a grin. Bakugo just gave him a confused look before walk over to one of the urinals on the wall to take a piss.
   Kirishima lean against the wall. The two then speak. Kirishima just watched Bakugo. When Bakugo was done he washed his hands.
   "Why are you watching me?" Bakugo asked him.
   "Because I can and I have nothing better to do," Kirishima told him. Bakugo rolled his eyes.
   "I saw you were talking to Deku. What did he tell you?" Bakugo questioned him.
    "Nothing much. That you always had a temper and that you guys were childhood friends and your now his bully. Why do you bully him?" Kirishima told him.
    "He's a useless fuck who can't do anything right. And he pisses me off because he lied to me," Bakugo told a bit angry.
   "What did he lie about?" Kirishima asked interested it what he might say.
   "He lied about having a quirk. He said he was quirkless and now he got into UA with a quirk. It seriously pisses me the fuck off," Bakugo told a bit ticked off.
   "Well he did break his finger when he used his quirk. Maybe he can't control it yet?" Kirishima suggested.
   "He lied shitty hair. How the fuck do you come from quirkless to, to having a strong quirk. It makes no fucking since," Bakugo told him.
   "It's Kirishima. Why don't you just ask him about it," Kirishima told him.  Bakugo just blinked at him. "Fine don't. But you know it's not right to bully right?"
   "Why the fuck do you even care if I pick on the little shit anyways?" Bakugo asked him.
   Kirishima stayed quite for a bit then spoke. "Well, I was bullied too my whole life and it was never any fun being the victim," Kirishima told him.
   "I honestly don't see someone like you being bullied," Bakugo told him, putting a hand on his hip, popping it out some.
    "Well I was. I don't know how you treated Midoriya back then but when I was being bullied I was beat up and they would talk trash about me and told me to kill myself multiple times. So I can relate to Midoriya," Kirishima told him. Bakugo just looked at him.
    "I don't care if you can relate to Deku or your back story with your bullies, if it's true. Deku is just a lying piece of shit who thinks he's better then me. I don't need the likes of you to tell me what to do," Bakugo told him, with a attitude. Kirishima tried to stay cool. He knows he can't do anything.
   "I'm not telling you what to do. I just don't want Midoriya to turn out like I did," Kirishima told him. Bakugo let out a tsk.
   "Whatever. I'm going. I have nothing else to say to you," Bakugo told him before walking out the restroom. Kirishima just shook his head then walked out the restroom.

    After school Kirishima went home, the villain hideout. He told them about his first day at school and about how he almost lost it and that a kid there has a smiler quirk to All Mights.
   That night when he went to bed he had bad dreams about his past. He now knew this was going to be a hard mission to spy on the students and teachers at UA.

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