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People say we're so weird
°I just like you so much°

The house was definitely not empty. Music could be heard front he driveway, and shadows of dancing bodies could be seen. San walked up to the door, followed by a confused Wooyoung. San never told him why they were here, but he just complied instead of arguing. When they reached the door, San knocked on it and stood back, waiting for an answer.

When Jisung opened the door, a cloud of smoke came out. The young boy stepped out and gave them a goofy smile.

"San, you made it," he giggled and his words seemed slurred. He was high, no he was drunk, both probably from the way he was acting. San looked at his eyes. They were bloodshot red and wide open.

"Ji are you sober?" Wooyoung asked the younger.

"Not important," he said and waved his hand. "The point is, you two are here!" And exclaimed and pulled the two into a hug.

"You said come over you have a surprise for me," San said with an annoyed tone.

"but this is the surprise! You seemed sad, so I threw you a party!" He threw his hands in the air happily. San rolled his eyes. He grabbed Jisung wrist and pulled him over to the side so Wooyoung couldn't hear them.

"You then a party for me with drugs and alcohol?" He whispered.

"Yeah, isn't it great?" He laughed.

"No, it's not great. You know how he gets," san glanced back at Wooyoung who was rocking back and forth on his toes.

"He'll be fine, just watch him," Jisung shook his head and walked back over to the door.

"Come on, it'll be fun, numb the pain a little," Jisung said before opening the door and motioning for them to follow.

"You get one drink," San whispered sternly to Wooyoung. He dragged the younger by the wrist inside. Most of the partygoers were still in high school, which made san wanna leave even more. He knew how teens would get with drugs and alcohol. He just groaned and pulled Wooyoung over to where the drinks were.

San poured Wooyoung a drink and handed it to him forcefully. "That's all, so make it last,"

Wooyoung scoffed. "Come on, you could've at least given me a full cup,"

"Drink that or have none," The older crossed his arms. Wooyoung rolled his eyes, but drank it anyways. "You not gonna get anything?" Wooyoung asked when he noticed San was just standing there.

"No," He answered simply.

"Come on babe, Jisung threw a whole party for you! Loosen up a little, forget about everything that's going on," Wooyoung told him. He knew what he was doing. If he got San drunk, he wouldn't be on his ass the whole night. He didn't even feel bad about manipulating the older like that.

"Fine," he rolled his eyes again and poured himself a drink. He decided he might as well have some fun tonight before he had to wake up and face the reality of his shitty life. He chugged his drink, the alcohol instantly making him feel better. Wooyoung smiled, finishing off his own drink and setting the cup down.


"Why is it so fucking loud?" San said in a slurred voice, followed by a soft giggle.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2020 ⏰

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