Call From The UK: Problem Horse Part 1 (Short!!!)

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Hi! I'm Koda! I'm 31 and live in North Carolina, US. I'm a main host for the Southern Way Horse Training YouTube channel and I couldn't love my job any more! I get to work one on one with several horses across the country and help the owners in dealing with the horses on their Road To Redemption from aggressive or skiddish behavior. 

I've worked with horses since I was 8 years old and I couldn't think of a better way to spend my life. I started working for my riding instructor when I was 13 and became more of an apprentice than a lesson rider. In addition to riding I helped clean stalls and feed/medicate the horses. On the weekdays, the show horses were worked either through riding or long lining, which is like riding from the ground. On weekends, we just turn the horses out into the ring and bullpen and let them play for about 10-15 minutes. Depending on the horse, they may need to be out longer. 

Since I started working with horses, everything clicked for me. The peacefulness of the old ditched barn allowed relaxation and ease flow within me, even on the most stressful days like when the farrier tries to trim the foal's hooves or a horse gets loose from the pasture. It's these things; these stress levels of the job that guided me to where I am now.


"Koda, please be careful." My best friend, Rochelle told me. We've been friends since I was 6 and she was 7. "This horse seems like he's a real pain in the flank."

"I promise I'll be careful, Chelle." I said in a reassuring tone. I called her "Chelle" sometimes because it sounds like "Shell" and she was always going to the beach when we were growing up.

"Famous last words, girl." She laughed. "I just don't want to watch you get run over." She said as she closed her bag and headed downstairs. Even though I'm a certified trainer, she's right....

I had recieved a call from a horse owner in the UK who had a real problem. Her horse, Cracker Jack is a 2 year old Quarter gelding and he acts like a stallion. You can't ride him without hitting the ground 5 minutes later, though the trainer before claimed him to be completely broke.

"He said all he needed was constant work. At least 30 minutes a day for a good while."  The owner told me. "I'm not buying it."

Now, Chelle and I were on our way to England to help teach this foal some manners. 

Rescued By Razzbowski (Razzbowski X O.C. Reader)Where stories live. Discover now