The Southern Way: Problem Horse Part 3 (SHORT CHAPTER)

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Its the next day. Rhys, Rochelle, and I are heading to the barn for me to continue with Cracker Jack's training. As we pull into the parking area, I couldn't help but feel like I had eyes on me. I turn to see a blushing Rhys, glancing at me from the corner of his eye. 

"What's up, Papa Razz?" I teased and he looked away, his face growing darker.

"N-nothing." He said. "Just making sure the dogs aren't in the way..."

He halted the truck and we stepped out to be greeted by an excited German Shepard. 

"Hi puppy!" I said, rubbing the dog's head.

I walked alongside Rhys as he helped Chelle carry the camera out to the pen. 

"The lead ropes are hanging on the wall." He said. "Do you remember where Jack is?"


"You can go ahead an grab him." Rhys finished, following Rochelle to the pen to set up the camera.


I run inside to grab Cracker Jack. It takes me a minute, but I soon was able to catch him and led him outside. Rhys and Chelle were waiting for me by the gate. When Chelle saw me coming, she started the camera and counted down.

"5...4...3...2..." She pointed at me and I opened the way I normally do.

"Hey y'all! Welcome to a new episode of Southern Way Horse Training. Today, I'm back at the ranch with Cracker Jack and we're gonna be diving deeper into his training by practicing stopping on command and flight testing." I said as I normally do when I get to this point with any horse.

"But first, as normal, you always want to start them off right. And to do that, you want to get their attention on you. So, we're gonna make Jack go off to the rail." I continued, waving the whip to guide the dapple Quarter Horse to the rail. 


***After The Training Session***

"Just remember that horses learn best when pressure is released. Don't keep swinging the whip, bag, or rope to drive them. They will follow their natural instincts to run from anything they think is dangerous. If they slow down a bit, It's okay! That only means they are relaxing a little." I said, closing the video like every other time.

"If you have a problem horse and you don't want to pay for overpriced training sessions, remember to contact me at *phone number* or *email*. If you need a horse trained, it's better to do it The Southern Way! See y'all next time." I said, rubbing a tired Cracker Jack on the head before leaving the pen. 


"That was great, Koda!" Rhys said, meeting me in the barn outside Jack's stall. 

"Thanks, Rhys." I said. "For everything. You've helped me a lot the past day and a half. I really appreciate it."

"Aw, It's no problem at all." The Scottish man said, scratching the back of his neck and turning a bit red.

Why does he keep doing that...? 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2020 ⏰

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