What about us?(English Version)

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Mik POV:

I just came Home from work,it's 11pm and I Feel very exhausted,tired and hungry. I decide to look for Food in the kitchen. Right After I found something I was looking for a plate,it just slipped out of my Hand and... Yeah it broke,how clumsy...
I was trying to be as silent as I can but now it's too late.

"Hello,you are here? Why are you so early?" I turn to the door and see my boyfriend standing there "uhm.. it's 11pm that's not really early Kostas,now go to bed again I will clean Everything up". "I wasn't serious Mik,you're late again and I got a call from the Office that the others got Home early Because it's friday. Why didn't you came Home early?" "Because I had a lot of Work to do you know I have to finish BMA soon" I said while cleaning up the broken plate.

"And what about me?" He said half sad and half angry. "What? Kostas this is a thing I have to finish you cannot just tell me to Stop Because you want me to come Home early and now go to bed. I'll be there in a Minute" I said angry. Why is he so selfish? "No,Mik I will go" I look at him kinda shocked "what?". "I've been thinkin about going for a while now Because you don't fucking care about me,Mik I know you want to finish it but you don't care about the people who love you especially me. That's why I decided to go". "What? You can't just leave me alone. I mean I thought you love me,I thought you were with me no matter how hard it is. Do you really want to leave me alone?" I whisper with tears in my eyes. I take two big steps in his direction,he's right in front of me but so far away. I don't understand why he wants to go. "Mik,you forget me completly. Do you know what hurts? When your boyfriend is the only one who didn't even said Happy Birthday. He's coming Home at 11pm and pretend to care about me but he really isn't,that's hard Mik." He said with strong Voice but tears in his eyes. What? His Birthday... did I just forgot his Birthday... but Today is the... I took a look at our calendar and he's right,it's the 8th July.  "Oh my.. kostas I.. I'm so sorry I didn't know which day it is I thought... I... I don't know what I thought. I'm so stressed and...I don't know." He just looked at me.

"Please Stay,I need you." I whisper. "You Need me? Really? I don't See that. I don't even see that you know I exist. I thought our relationship will be Forever but you proved me wrong. I've waited so long and I always told you that I Miss you but you never made a change and I can't  live like this anymore" He said.
"I'm sorry. But please Stay. I really Love you,I'd do anything." I started crying. "Please" I whisper. He struggled with looking like he doesn't care about that I'm crying but I know he does. He would rather hug me than to look at me like that. "I just Need a little Bit of your Time. I need you to be here when I need you and I need the old Mik back who had never forgot my Birthday" he said After a long break of speaking. "I just miss you" now he started crying too. "I Miss you too. Please Stop crying,you don't deserve this. I Promise I will Change." I hugged him and he started crying harder. How could I forgot him? "I Love you" I whisper as I kissed him. "I love you too"

I don't know what to say lmao I kinda like but also kinda hate this

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