very very late epilogue/final thoughts

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so! it's December, and I'm looking back at this project, and while I feel the usual cringe when I look at old art that didn't go as planned, I certainly am glad I did this! 

even when I lost sleep and broke curfew during a choir retreat to finish a drawing, because I was too stubborn to leave even one unfinished and unsigned! 

looking over these drawings, I can see a clear progression of them getting better and better over the month, and they helped me get back into drawing digitally and using watercolors. I might even say that they helped me find my current art style. 

my inking skills have improved a bit, though I doubt that I'll be using them anytime soon since I prefer to paint directly over sketches now! 

so! if you're reading this, thank you for checking out my first inktober book, and tune in next year, in case I try this again!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2019 ⏰

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