Chapter 2: Come Home

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I woke up to my alarm the next morning, I didn't even realize that I had fallen asleep. The letter was sitting on my chest because I just couldn't bring myself to read it, not yet at least. I managed to pick myself up from the couch still sluggish because I was still up late last night. My mind kept playing tricks on me throughout the night because I could've sworn I heard my door knob twisting, but ultimately being rejected by the lock. When I would get up to check, nothing happened. I even went as far as to look through my peep hole, but no one was there. I hid the letter underneath the couch to prevent anyone from getting to it, even though Trinity has as much right to read it as I do, part of me just doesn't want her to.

I walked to my room to make sure the kids were up for school. I don't want any trouble with Mrs Guzman because I can already tell she'll light my ass up for him missing even one second of the day, Every moment is useful in her eyes and I understand that, but Javier is almost old enough to be independent on his own. When I walked into the room they were already dressed and just sitting on my bed talking about last night, I assumed.

"Hey, how'd you sleep?" I asked looking between the both of them, Javier just gave me a smile with a thumbs up

" I'll sleep better once I know my brother is safe." Trinity said slightly above a whisper, but I still picked up on what she said.

" Okay, cool. I'm going to take a shower then get dressed then we can head out." They both nodded in agreement as I turned on my heels and left the room

Their relationship kinda reminded me of Lenny and I. In this situation, when we were younger I used to be in the position Trinity was in, only difference is I don't have a missing brother, but rather an abusive mother and Lenny would always be my support system much like Javier.

I got my clothes out for class today and took a quick shower, once I was finished I quickly made sure my apartment was clean before going to tell them I'm ready, slightly in a rush because I don't like being late for anything especially for classes because once you're late they won't let you in so important information being taught for the day would go straight down the drain and I would still be responsible for making up the work on my own time. I walked out behind them and made sure my door was secure and locked, but still something inside me told me to change my locks so I'd have to stop by the store to get new ones. We were walking by Chi's apartment again only this time detectives, police, and any emergency team imaginable scattered the inside. I noticed a gurney with a body lying on it as the paramedics wheeled it out.

" what happened, is that Chi?" Trinity asked the men. She started noticeably tearing up a little

" I'm sorry but I cannot disclose any information of a crime scene miss. Besides I'm unauthorized to share anything outside of family." he responded

" I am his family! This is my apartment! If that's my brother I want to see him now!" she ran up to the gurney ignoring the men telling her not to pull back the sheet, but soon her face turned into a shocked expression and her mouth fell open. I walked up behind her to see what it was and was in udder horror of what I saw

Officer Faucheux lay dead before my eyes, his face was almost unrecognizable like somebody had beat him to death, but what happened? He was completely fine last night. He was alone after I left right? That's when I remembered that the noise I heard before he walked in the apartment and the rustling in the room last night as I was leaving wasn't another officer, but rather whoever had broken in to begin with. That means they never left the scene last night. They were there all along and the scariest thought was that they were literally a room away from me, while I just so happened to be in the apartment all alone clueless and unaware, Open for an attack at any moment until Faucheux showed up. Were they watching me that entire time?

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