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The next day Ji Eun starts her plan along with her mom-in-law.

The day starts as usual, they are having their breakfast.

On the dining table, Mrs. Park starts as she gives a little nod to Ji Eun.

"Ji Eun-ah did you select your dress already for the engagement party before wedding ?"

"Not yet mom. But I will soon "

"Okay then we'll go today " Mrs. Park exclaims happily.

"No honey you can't go today. We've a meeting with the Jung's remember? " Mr. Park said.

"Oh yes I forgot it totally " she sighed.

"No problem at all ! I'll go by myself" Ji Eun replied.

"No dear ! Why will you go alone ? Chanyeol , You take her "

He almost spurt out the juice he was drinking .

" But Mom I've to go to office. The work load is still pending " he whined.

"Don't worry son Kai and Sehun will take care of it " Mr. Park informed.

Kai and Sehun are Chanyeol's cousins who also work at the Park's as CFO's.

"You better accompany your fiancé"

"But... "

"No buts baby you're going and that's final " Mrs. Park said sternly.

Chanyeol pouted angrily.

Seeing the tension Ji Eun butted in.

"No it's totally fine ! I can go by myself . Please don't force him " she pleaded.

"Wahhh ! she's taking my side now? After getting me scolded ?? Unbelievable ! Wait.... Or is she genuinely telling it ?...Argghhh I don't know " Chanyeol thought trying to read the petite girl's face.

"No argument ! You both are going and that's our final decision ! " Mrs. Park said directly looking in Ji Eun's eyes as if telling her to not ruin their plan.

"Also you have to spend some lone time in order to know each other more. "she completed  , winking at Ji Eun and she blushed.

"OK fine " he said angrily and went off telling "Thank you for the food "


They're now strolling around shopping.

Chanyeol really hates strolling around but the car couldn't be taken to each and every shop So he had to park it a little farther.

" Ah ! Here it is " Ji Eun exclaims excitedly like a child pointing to the designers shop.

"Finally " he groans rolling his eyes.

She has the urge to pinch his cheeks so bad , but holds it back.

"Come on let's go in " she says pushing the glass door.

They both enter the shop .

"Oh hello Ms. Lee ! Long time no see " the shop owner takes Ji Eun in her embrace.

" Oh hello ! Yeah I know right " she replies flashing her million dollar smile which makes Chanyeol's heart race .

He had to shrug himself.

"And Hello Mr. Park " she lends her hand for a handshake.

"You know me? " he asks surprised.

"Of course! Who doesn't know you though? " she says smiling.

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