update : there is no more ... oops !

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ahaaha :) yeah it's almost 2023 .
Despite a lot of people enjoying this chaotic story, there are some things that must come an end.

I might revamp or make a new story that suits my current tastes, however, Roommate Lovers is officially finished.
I have no plans for what's to come, but you'll never know.

If you're wondering what happened to me, well I've grown up! I'm involved in many activities and enjoying my youth (lol).

I truly appreciate all of the love and support over these past few years with this "book" and I hope you can stick around for more.

I'm not dead, nor alive.
Live on Lovelies!

and once again...

Thank you Lovelies,
from the bottom of my heart <3

- Clarissa

Roommate LoversWhere stories live. Discover now