Chapter One

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Alisna sighed deeply as she crouched over the fallen tree, breathing in the sounds of the forest. Closing her eyes, she meditated on the tree's thoughts. "What are you thinking.... What are you feeling? Tell me. You know you can tell me anything," Alisna whispered, her voice flying away through the branches of the trees above.
The tree seemed to moan, and then Alisna heard a small, quiet voice.
"Some people's time it is to die," the wise tree said. "Now it is my time to fall away into the dust of the earth...."
Alisna shook her head. "No, not yet," she rubbed her hands together in a circling motion, gradually bringing them outwards. A blue light appeared between her hands, growing bigger and brighter as her hands circled faster and faster. The fallen tree started to rise up again slowly, inch by inch, creaking and groaning as Alisna raised it up. Gradually the creaking and groaning stopped and a green, blossoming tree stood there in newness of life. "Yet again you have saved me Alisna. I thank Thee, but do not waste your powers on me. I have lived far too long and grown far too old,"
Alisna smiled. "You are and have been my friend for many years. I can not bear to see you die this way,"
"Someday they will cut me down Alisna. If they see me risen up again they will know someone here has the power for such things," the tree said softly.
Alisna grinned. "Well by then I hope to have taken you away to the land of your dreams,"
The tree laughed, a soft chuckling from within. "I hope so...." She trailed off, "I hope so,"

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