Round two.

205 9 10

Is Circus the first story you've ever written? 

Sort of, yeah :) I've wanted to write a story for a while now and came across this website when my sister told me to look at it.  I had a go with another story first (on another account) and stopped because I wasn't feeling it.  I decided to make a new account and try again, this time writing about exactly what I wanted to write about, and I guess it was the right choice!

Why do all the girls seem to hate Belle?

Territorial of their boys and way of life!  As we all know, girls become catty when jealous/threatened lol

What countries have you been to in your life?

This is a little sad but I've never left Australia :(

What icecream flavor is your favourite? 

Chocolate.... for sure.  Followed closely by cookies + cream.  We've only just been getting Ben & Jerry's in Australia by the way, and all I can say is... OMG

Is Louie going to be a part of circus at some point?

Yes :)

Who is your role model?

Wow that's a really hard one to answer... I'm not sure if I have a specific one :(  

What career/job are you planning to get?

I'm almost finished studying to be a speech pathologist :)  

What is your favorite amusement park?

I haven't been to one, waaaaa!! Australia doesn't have that many I guess.  Seaworld sounds so cool because I love whales, but I saw the movie Blackfish the other day, and now I'm thinking I dont ever want to go there :(

What is your favourite animal?

I am obsessed with Killer Whales (also known as Orcas).  I am strangely obsessed.  Like, I probably would have made a fanfic involving a killer whale if I didn't do Circus haha 

If you could go to any place inthe world, what would it be?

Wow, another hard question!! I would probably say, somewhere like Bora Bora to relax and it is beautiful... or somewhere like New York as I've always wanted to go there

Are you attending college?

Yes!  I have an exam in three days time eeek

When is your birthday?

March 29 :)

What was your experience of going to a real circus, if you did go?

It was VERY similar to the ways in which I have described the Majesty Circus... minus the hot ringleader. I find circuses absolutely magical and hypnotising.  I find their world something completely different to ours, and the feeling I get when I am sitting in the grandstand in the Big Top is absolutely incredible.  Magical, is my answer.

What is your hair color?

I'm a blonde

That's the end of this round.  Post your questions below for the third round.  I will update this sooner if I receive enough questions to make up a round :) 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2014 ⏰

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