Day 26 - Domestic

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Marinette was furious. But that would be the an understatement of the years. If HawkMoth was in Gotham she would level the city with her anger.

How could they let Alfred clean this entire house on his BIRTHDAY!!!

That's when Marinette had a plan.

"Um.. Alfred I hate to do this on your birthday but could pick up these items please" The French girl asked kindly to the butler. Alfred just smiled at her. She had more manners then all the Bat Brothers combined(Duke being the exception). "Not at all Miss Marinette, anything for family" Alfred smiled. She went crimson. Family? But she saw Alfred leave and quickly gave him a hug.

"Happy Birthday Alfred" Marinette smiled. Alfred hugged the girl bag smiling at her fondly. "Thank you Marinette"


The entire BatFam (minus Alfred) raced to the main entrance. Marinette sent them an emergency text. But when they got their it was more of a 'What?' than a 'WHAT?!?!?!?!'

Their Marinette was arms crossed and many cleaning supplies around her. "Beloved. What is the meaning of this?" Damian asked carefully seeing the angry face on his girlfriend. "We are going to clean this manner you lazy lumps" Marinette barked.Jason being the idiot he was said something stupid. 

"Sorry short stack but that's why we have Alfred". Marinette stomped up to the vigilante and grabbed him by the ear harshly. "If you had any common sense you would realise that it's his birthday Todd and if you don't help me clean this Manor before he gets back. I will be your end" She hissed loudly to not only Jason but the entire family. Heck Bruce almost cowered in fear of the girl. 

Murmurs of 'yes' 'we better listen to her' and only Kate and Damian didn't say a word in fear. the girls decided to do the east side of the Manor. Duke and the boys minus Damian took the west. Bruce, Selina, Kate and Cass took the South. While Marinette, Damian and the Kwamis took the north.


Marinette and Damian were dusting the windows. Marinette had the great idea to climb the walls while doing it. Damian saw this and sighed. "Hey Dami!" Marinette shouted warily. Damian looked up to find Marinette clutching onto the thin wooden frame of the window. "I can't get down" Marinette shouted. "Do you trust me!" Damian shouted. Marinette nodded. "Jump!" Damian answered. Marinette hesitated for a moment before jumping.

What felt like hours was only a few seconds as Marinette landed in Damian's warm embrace. Her rested in the nape of his neck as boy wonder held her in his arms bridal style. "Never do that again love" Damian whispered gently. "Oh believe me I won't" Marinette confirmed kissing his cheek. Little did they know pictures were being taken for the wedding album


As Alfred arrived back he was curious on the items Marinette needed. Most of them were items he would enjoy himself. For example, he needed to pick a Victoria Sponge cake and a variety of old English sweets he enjoyed as a child.

"Miss Marinette I am Ho-" Alfred looked in shock. Was he having a heart attack. The Manor was looking quite tidy. Not to mention the entire Bat Family plus extended family were there. "Happy Birthday Alfred. We cleaned the house for you" Bruce said smiling. "Yeah we thought you might like most of the work done" Jason boasted.

Alfred looked at the man in shame. "Actually Jason I know for a fact it was Miss Marinette due to the seat coming from her forehead and the scared glances almost everyone is giving her.


"Alfred did you get it?" Damian asked the butler when they were alone. Alfred nodded handing the young master a black box. "Good luck"

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