Christmas In Gravity Falls: Part 1

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It was just 5 day's till Christmas. "Hey, Dipstick, look!"

*Dipper say's in the background* "what"

"we got a letter!"

"well that's something different, last time she said that she was shoving marshmallows in her mouth" mumbled Dipper "i cant find from where it came from!" Mabel yelled back to Dipper "let me see. oh my gosh"

"what is it? Let me see" demanded Mabel "it's from Gravity Falls!"

"oh my gosh!"

"yeah, let's see what it say's"

From: Gravity Falls

To: Piedmont, California

Hey! It's me\us (if u don't remember) your great uncle Stan and Ford, we wanted to talk with your parents about you going to the Mystery Shack for Christmas.


great uncles Stan and Ford

"hey, wait a moment this is not Grunkle Stan's or Fords writing"

"it isn't ?"

"no. wait, let me go get something, be right back!" Mabel waited about a minute and then Dipper came running from his room "look  at the similarity of this writing" Dipper showed Mabel the note that Wendy gave him with everyone's signature from Gravity Falls and pointed at what wndy wrote him:


Stay, Cool

"yeah I see the similarity, it almost looks the same"

"cause it is the same! Wendy wrote it, not Stan or Ford"

"but why?"

"probably cause Stan And Ford did not have the guts to wright it"

"what do we do with it?"

"give it to Mom and Dad"


"well......Cause I Want To Go To Gravity Falls! don't you?"

"yeah I guess, off to Mom and Dad then!" and the 'Mystery Twins' left to show the letter to there parents, to go to Gravity Falls for Christmas.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2020 ⏰

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