I.Dual Personalities 1/3

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Huh... Where am I this time?

I observe the area and see the white painted room, green arm chairs stationed in rows and columns, a small stage and a clean chalkboard in front.

Wait?! I'm in school?! B-but it's winter vacation, why am I here?

The room is mostly filled with my familiar classmates  but I vaguely can see their faces or where they are.

I sit down where I usually sit and I can see my classmate beside me! Clearly! She's the one I usually talk to for updates around the University.

"What's going on? Why are we here? Isn't it vacation?" I ask.

"Yeah, I know it's vacation but we are required to go to school," she sighs and gives the impression that I have to "deal with it".

Definitely in a bad mood, she's usually like this.

I want to ask more questions but the fear of bothering her more sets in. So I just sit down quietly and wait for the day to end.

Strange as it all ready is, the adult who comes inside isn't our usual first period teacher.

She introduce herself and exclaims that she's a psychiatrist.

Since the track we took revolves around humans and human nature this is expected for everyone.

I can't stop the urge in my heart that is full of excitement.

I just want to jump and shout fanaticyly.

The psychiatrist shows us files of some cases from different kinds of people. The psychiatrist instructed we will be learning and analysing most of them.

And so we take one file that peeks our interest as we are instructed.

The file I take, is about a boy who experiences dual personalities.

As the psychiatrist notices the particular file on my hand, she brings the other students attention and tells the story of this boy.

This boy lives with his mother and little brother in the province not that far from the city.

Before I even realize, my surroundings changes. In one blink, a window appears. I look through the glass and see trees almost surrounding the place, a flourishing garden filled with red tomatoes and other fruits.

I turn around to find myself in a beautiful house made of wood and stone. There are few furnitures, but it compliments the design of the well made house.

I am in the perspective of the boy's mother. I know it. Im sure of it.

As I stare through the window where the front yard is, I know that the two boys that are playing are the mother's sons. The one who looks bigger is the oldest and the smaller one is maybe around the age 3 to 5.

Instead of smiling my lips are in a frown, my eyes filled with worry and my body covered in fear.

Through the mother's eyes and mind, there are information I know that didn't achieve.

I knew by then that the mother is aware of the strange behaviors of her son.

Through her memories I see that her eldest did something which made everyone and even the other kids fear him. So his been treated as an outcast and only stays around the vicinity of his home.

I stare at the horizon,the orange and red hue closing into a purplish color. I open the door and let the cold breeze pass through me. With a loud voice I call her kids to get inside telling them it's time for bed time.

As the the two kids comes inside, I can feel my legs shaking under my long pladed skirt. The litle one hugs me as his big brother follows.

I can feel the mother's fear, but I can also feel the love in her heart.

Without a thought, I hugged the two boys tightly and lovingly.

Even though I'm about to cry from dred I am still able to show love to the eldestm

This mother. I admire her very much.

"Maybe... "

And so, through the mother's eyes, I tuck her kids to bed. Her eldest hugs his little brother so lovingly and smiles in happiness.

The I sighs and wonder the thoughts that aren't mine, "Maybe...there is still hope for this family."

And so I goes to bed too.

This isn't going to end well. I can feel it in my guts.

I woke up restlessly. This mother, her heart is beating so fast, it's painful to endure. It's like I'm carrying something heavy up on my chest! I'm feel as if I'm running out of breath.

Without even thinking I am moved by instinct. I run to the room of the mother's children.

Something's wrong and I want to turn back and just run away as far as I can possibly go but this isn't my body. I can't control it.

I gasp quietly as I can't believe what I'm seeing.

It's vague and clear at the same time. I can't see the whole room, but my sense is that it's a mess.

Bed, chairs, toys, curtains and closests all destroyed and wrecked.

I can't smell anything but by the gesture on how the I covers my nose and mouth, It's very obvious this room is stenched by something...strong.

I turn my eyes to the side to see her eldest son on the floor.

Half of the skin of his face is peeled off. You can see the muscle holding his jaw in place and you can take a glimpse of all his teeth that's soaked in blood as well as, his face, his hands and his shirt mostly smeared with blood.

I am not sure if it's his blood or someone else's. It can be both.

He turns and stares at me with his white pure eyes. My knees begun to shake again, my lungs shrinks and my eyes almost buried in tears.

Her youngest child's body torn into pieces. One of his hands just bellow me, guts and organs spread across the room, chunks of flesh on top of the bed and his head, being chewed by his own older brother.

All in my mind...all in this mother's mind is, "My son has turn into a devil."

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