Step 017: Frequent Strip Clubs

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"Wh-where are you guys taking me?" Vince piped up from the backseat of the car.

"You'll see..." Tommy cackled.

"You're kinda scaring me..." Vince whimpered.

Nikki was too lost in staring out the window, watching the buildings slip past through half-lidded eyes. It was nearly hypnotic.

"Nikki?" Vince asked, "You okay?"

"Huh?" Nikki stirred. He had been holding the same position for a while now, "Yeah, I'm fine." He said glumly.

He turned back to the fleeting view of the streets of Los Angeles under a sunset.

"Jeez dude, are you really that tired?" Tommy, the driver, muttered, "Mick must be rubbing off on you."

"It's not that." Nikki drawled with a sigh, "I'm just thinking."

"About what?"

"HOW FUCKING ANNOYING YOU ARE." He snarled, slamming his hand against the armrest on the car door's interior.

Eventually though, Nikki began to nod off, succumbing to the hypnotic effect. He was jolted awake by Tommy screeching to a halt at a stoplight, which caused him to bash his face into the dashboard, "OW TOMMY WHAT THE FUCK."

"Rise and shine, motherfucker." Tommy shot him a glare.

"Guys seriously! Where are you taking me?" Vince asked again.

"Have you ever been to a strip club, Vince?" Tommy adjusted the rear-view mirror to see Vince better in it.


"Well Vinnie, you're about to."

"Don't call me Vinnie." He huffed. That was an honor he reserved for Nikki only.

"It's the place where Dark Star works." Nikki sat back in the chair, trying to wake himself up. He shook his head.

Vince said nothing back.

The car turned into the parking lot. As soon as the car stopped, Tommy nearly leapt through the window, "I've got fifty bucks worth of singles that are all going straight into Dark Star's bra!"

"She doesn't like you, Tommy, just give up." Nikki slowly eased his way out of the car. He then moved to open the door for Vince.

"LET'S JUST GO!" Tommy began to physically drag Vince and Nikki to the front entrance. They slipped past the bouncer because Tommy had made arrangements.

Vince took hold of Nikki's arm while he slowly scanned the room. He clearly didn't want to be here.

Dark Star was just finishing up her show in the far corner with an audience smaller than the other girls. It could be that she was more covered up than the other dancers. The upper part of her costume didn't reveal much of her cleavage and it was paired with a basic garter belt and stockings that seemed oddly familiar to Nikki in a way that he couldn't express.

Tommy ran up to her with a huge smile. Vince and Nikki followed close behind.

"" Vince cringed, looking at all the other girls as they danced.

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