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"Welcome to Starbucks, what can-"

"I need a venti iced coffee with vanilla, 2% milk, easy ice, and one shot of expresso."

The cashier's eyes widen at how quickly I spat out my order, making me smile weakly at her.

"Lacey, when can we go play on the playground?"

"I need to potty."

"Can we go play now?"

"I'm thirsty."

"Why are we in here again?"

After hearing my siblings' comments, I avert my attention back to the cashier. "Make that three shots of expresso."



The cashier writes my name on the plastic container. "Your total is $5."

I hand her a five dollar bill and walk away to a table that can hold all six of us. I sit in the center, placing my laptop bag on the table. My siblings sit around me in the chairs.

"Before I send all of you off to play and answer your questions, I need you all to listen to me."

My siblings avert their eyes on me, showing they're listening to me.

"Good. All of you will go play until I come get you guys and say it's time to leave. We will get dinner after I finish my school work. If you need to use the bathroom, go with one of your siblings. If you can't find somebody to go with you, come get me. I have one juice box and one mini bottle of water for each you, so come to me whenever you are thirsty. Do we understand what I said?"

My five siblings nod in unison.

"Good. Now, what questions do you have?" I notice a hand up in the air with bright pink nail polish. "Yes, London?"

London lowers her hand. "Why are we in here again?"

"I thought you liked the indoor playground?" I asked, frowning.

"No, Sissy. Why are we in this place?" London replied, her bright green eyes lurking around Starbucks.

"This is my happy place."

Her green eyes light up. "Like the playground is our happy place?" I nod. "So you'll be at your happy place while we are at our happy place?"

"Yes, London." I notice another hand in the air. "Go ahead, Lincoln."

Lincoln's brown eyes sparkle with eagerness. "Lacey, when can we go play on the playground?"

"After everybody asks their questions." I stated sternly. "Be patient."

"Okay." He said, slumping into his chair.

"Who's next?" A hand with purple nail polish catches my eye. "Yes, Luci?"

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