True Connection

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Mai's POV:

I had woken my mind blank from the recent ordeal my powers backlashing had caused. It was only disturbed due to the frequent itch that seemed to scald my brain with it's presence. I soon began to hear the heated voice of a man resound thru the recesses of my head; I struggled trying to come to terms with the voice I knew so well speaking inside my head.

My frown was shaken by the clicking sound of the rooms door opening, when I snapped my head in the direction of my now visitor, and the voices increasing volume as he got closer. The door opened as if in slow motion although my anticipation skyrocketed the more I could see the dark outline of his clothing. I was quickly shocked by Naru's form standing in the doorway with the most shocking face I had ever seen on his face. He was clearly flabbergasted.

And I was no better as my eyes were stuck wide in shock as big as saucers.  I sat staring at him from my vantage point on my hospital bed. He quickly came out of his dumbfoundedness and close the door behind him with a soft click and then locked the door. He crossed the room and stood in front of my bed towering over me. I craned my neck up to look at his deep blue cerulean eyes gleaming down at me as if he measured at everything he would take from me and I could not help but do the same. Neither of us spoke while the air seemed to buzz with our somehow connected energies.

He reached down his remarkable snow white hands took the left side of my face in his hand. My eyes closed as I reveled in the feel of it's warmth. I felt him take my face in both his hands as he tilted it up towards him,  so I once again opened my eyes t in see what how would do. After he lowered himself to his knees sighing as he went. He took my dainty white hands in his bringing them up to his forehead as he bowed his head and specifically hiding his face from my view.

It was then he spoke. Mai,  he said.  He called my name with such emotion  that I couldn't help but be nervous at how the gratification seemed to sweep through the air around us. Mai, he said again.  I-I'm sorry I couldn't stop that from happening at the house, but now that whats happened has been done I need to tell you that I need you more now then ever because we're connected now in more ways then one, he said as his voice echoed in the room.  I spoke somewhat confusion in my voice. N-naru what do you mean by that...I-I can hear your voice in my head and there is this weird power sensation buzzing around us, I said. He sighed and then looked up at me a small warm crooked smile placed on his features as he once again spoke. Mai we are connected because I used a spell I once shared with my brother to control our powers to save your life and since I've stepped into this room I realised that I can't be with anyone else I want u Mai; will you except me,  he said reverently.

I couldn't help the pricks of tears that formed in my eyes or my gasping laps as I launched myself at him and throwing my arms around his neck hugging him tightly to me. While I whispered yes happily in his ear and the connection hummed even stronger; seeming not to only humm but to thrive that we had both excepted I realize that we'd love eachother for eternity.

Two hours later I was released from the hospital and we stood outside the ominous evil that drenched the house fervently. We looked up at the house with determined looks on our faces with our hands clasped in eachother... Power surging through us it was time to return but we would do it together; fighting demons with our light.

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