Rina Baker

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A young girl walked into my office and sat in front of me. She was short, with curly brown hair. Her chocolate eyes were looking around my office. 

"Good evening. I am Mr. Kingsley, the owner of this hotel and your new therapist." I held out my hand for her to take. She took it hesitantly. "I'm R-rina, Rina Baker."

"Okay Rina, what brings you here today?" She messed with her hair for a moment. "I saw your had therapy and I-I thought it wo-would be good for me because I have hallucinations." She looked down, ashamed. "What is it that you see exactly, darling?" I asked. She shrugged. 

"A lot of th-things, really. I-it could be people, animals, nature, e-even things that don't exist." She continued to play with her hair. "And how often does this happen, daring." "It happens a l-lot." She answered. "S-sometimes I don't even notice when it happens," she paused. "Until, I point it out and someone calls me c-crazy." She fidgeted with her sweater.

"Okay, can you tell me about your childhood? Anything traumatic happen?" She thought for a moment. "Not m-much really happened, r-really. I-it was pretty normal. The only im-important thing is that we moved to this state from Illinois 5 years ago," she smiled. "How did that make you feel,"I asked. 

She gave an awkward laugh. "I was really dramatic about it. I-I mean just suddenly leaving all my friends behind with almost no way of keeping in touch." She shook her head. "Nobody wanted me to leave and I d-didn't want to leave either. It took a while to get over it." She smiled. "Was there anything traumatic from your childhood?" I asked. She shook her head. 

"N-no," she explained. "L-like I said it was a pretty normal childhood." I nodded. "Well, how are you in school?" 

Her smile dropped for a moment before returning. "Y-yeah, I g-get good grades and it's pretty good." She started messing with her sweater again. "Do you have many friends?" "N-no, I have a few b-but not very many." She answered.

Suddenly, a loud beeping noise filled the room. Rina jumped at the noise and looked at her watch. "O-oh," she said. "This s-session is o-over." She stood. "Thanks for listening." I stood as well. "Thank you for participating." With that final statement, she left.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2019 ⏰

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