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-the next day-

I wake up in the infirmary. I look around and see no other than Draco Lucius Malfoy. He is looking at my guiltily. "R-Reese...I-I'm sorry...I-I just...it was the way I was raised..." he stutters. I smile and hug him. "It's okay..." I smile. I forget about my hand and completely forgot about covering it. Draco look at it at the same time I do. I quickly try to cover it but he grabs my wrist. He flips my hand over gently like the slightest squeeze would brake it. He looked down at the scar on my hand for a while. Then his jaw clenches. "Umbridge," he growls. I nod slowly. "Look...I've got to go. Weaselbee 12 and three, Sienna, Loony, Longbottom, Potter, and Granger are all waiting," he smiles. I chuckle. "At least make an effort to be nice to them!" I shout after him. "No promises!" He replies. I giggle as Fred runs in. George runs beside me, his eyes red and puffy. "Oh my word! Reesie! I'm so sorry, it was me! I-I accidentally hit it the wrong way! I-I meant to hit Malfoy a-and it h-h-hit yo-ou!" He sobbed. I hugged him and brushed my fingers through his hair. "Shhh. Shhhhh. It's not your fault George. It was an accident!" I assure him. He smiles and relaxes a bit. I get out of bed but Ron picks me up and lays me back down. "Nope," he smirks. I groan. "Let me out Ronald!" I shout. "Not until you're fully well, " he replies. I stand up and dodge him. "Ronald Billius Weasely! You let me though this instant! Or I will butter knife you!" I scream. He chuckles and steps back. "She's okay, " he laughs. I roll my eyes. We get up and walk back towards the common room. "Soo..." I trail off. We all look at each other in uncomfortable silence. "I'm hungry, " Ron states. Hermione rolls her eyes and sighs. "You're ALWAYS (Pun intended) hungry," she complains. My stomach growls proving Rons point. He smiles triumphantly as we walk into the great hall. Hermione grumbles about how me and Ron are basically twins. We sit down and I pile food onto my plate. I start eating and talking to Neville about the potion yesterday. "So...if I were to give it to...I don't know...Professor Filch! Could he fall in love with the wall?" Neville questions. I laugh and shake my head. "A living...well...talking and moving thing at least," I explain. He nods and ahh's are the end. We keep talking as I eat. I smile when Fred starts messing with my curls. He starts pulling it slightly and then letting it go. Some people would always do that. Honestly I didn't mind though. He looked like a little three year old messing with my curls. Neville laughs at how Fred looks so surprised and amused at when the hair puffs back up. I giggle and decide to see what happens if I swat his hand away. "Hey! I was just playing with it!" He whines, pouting. Seamus, Ron, Hermione, and Neville laugh at how childish he is being while most role their eyes or just give a small chuckle. I flick my hair over my shoulder and it hit him in the nose. He made an 'oooh' sound. I roll my eyes. I get up. "I'm still in PJs..." I mumble. I run out of the great hall. Man, I love him. I fell in love with the red headed jokester.

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