The Heart Break( Crash)

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It's been six weeks since Ava was in the cast, They All had a great spring break they talked did normal things like normal friends . Ava is  still happy with Zach, Caitlin and Jeremy are becoming more closer, Andrew and Dylan are still in love, Mona and Alison are still getting along.
Alison's house
(The door knocks and ringed )

Alison coming - she opens the door- Hanna,Caleb, Oh my gosh hi!! What are you to doing here?!??

( Hanna comes in with a baby and tiny bump )

Hanna hi Ali, I just wanted to visit you because it's been so long.

Alison Hanna it's been a year now, and last time I remember you had a big bump not a tiny one?!? ( she said sarcastically)

Hanna right well I would like you to meet, Adam Rivers, and yes I am pregnant,2 months. ( I said with a smile)

Alison oh my god,Congratulations,come sit.

Caleb do you have any milk ,Adam finished,and Hanna drank 2 bottles of water and left none for me

Alison I have water but I don't know about milk

Hanna I'll go buy some
Caleb no your pregnant
Hanna come on you do this last time I was pregnant and it's getting very annoying, but fine but make sure you get the right one.

Caleb I will ( kiss Hanna )
—————Caleb is in the car with a GPS
( Caleb is driving to target )

( Ava and Zach are having a make out session while watching Suicide Squad )

Ava Mhmm ( Ava stopped the make out session) Zach, I think we should get take out I'm getting kinda hungry, are you

Zach yeah,I'll go get some food form McDonald's , same order

Ava yep, ( I kiss him goodbye and I go threw Instagram and get and anonymous text from the Professor,I call Caitlin to come over )
————————-On the road( Zach x Caleb)

Caleb: I was driving to target and bought 1 gallon of milk for Adam as I left i was driving my way to Ali's house and made a turn until...)
Zach: I was making my way to McDonald's and when I was about to make the turn a car Crashed into mines. I smashed my head hard in the wheel. I was laid unconscious.

Alison Do you hear that?( I heard ambulance right after I heard a big crash)

Hanna yeah what was that

Alison I don't know

Hanna I'm going to check it out ( I say as I hold my stomach)

Alison wait,Hanna wait for me,( I say as I grab my coat and Hanna) here put it on it's freezing

Hanna thanks, oh my god someone was in a car crash. ( I take a closer look and see our exact same car) Caleb...CALEB!!! Alison the baby!!!
Alison (I ran back to house and grabbed the baby) Hanna dont run,And don't get tired it's bad for the baby...( I saw Hanna crying and getting over there to get right next to Caleb, I looked over at the other car and saw Zach. I immediately called Ava,but she wouldn't answer)
Caitlin ( I read the message) "If you would kill a person who would that be Nolan or Zach or maybe both can be dead
- Professor "
Oh my god,you have to show this to Alison,I mean she would tell us what to do!! And find another plan!!

Ava okay it's been 35 min and Zach is still not back and he hadn't respond my messages, I'm calling him.( Hey you reached Zach, I'm working or I'm just doing something.)*I hung up the phone*Okay you know what Caitlin drive me to McDonald's I'm going to find him.

Caitlin sure then we'll go to Alison's

Ava then we'll go to Alison's, but first my McDonald's.

(Caitlin laughed and they both left, that was when Alison made the call to Caitlin)

Caitlin hello
Alison hello, Caitlin, is Ava with you.
Caitlin uh yeah, why? What's going on?

Alison I think Zach was in a car accident

Caitlin oh my god are you sure?is he alright?

Alison I don't know... oh my god I have to go!! It's close to target!!

Caitlin okay, okay bye

Caitlin okay Ava listen to me, stay calm okay...
( Ava was smiling and turned into a frown)
Ava Caitlin what's going on
Caitlin Zach was in a car accident
( Ava was tearing up and started to cry and They ran as fast as they could to the car. They started the car and made their way to the crash. That was when Ava spotted Zach's car.)
Ava stop STOP the car!! ( she got out of the car) ZACH!!
- she was running as fast as she could to Zach. Their spotted Zach in the stroller.

Ava and Zach  Love LifeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang