Chapter 1: You Too Can Be A Hero!

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Hi, everyone! Sorry for all the long breaks between my fics and all the new fics when I still haven't updated my older fics, but I've had reasons. I've been cramming studying for my finals during early December, I had lots of holiday stuff once I got home for Winter Break, and now I just got my wisdom teeth ripped out. So, yeah. I've had lots of things on my plate. However, I'm here now and I'm ready to write!!! So, let's get this party started!!

The world was lit with an orange hue as Izuku Midoriya walked home. His expression held a somber look as he trudged through a tunnel.

Stupid Kacchan. I-I can be a hero, the boy thought, his thoughts clouded by memories. When he learned he would get a quirk, when he was bullied and beat up, and most recently, Kaachan's last words to him.

"I forgot. There is a method that can be really effective if you want to become a hero so much," his childhood friend had said, smirking as he turned his back to the trembling Izuku. "Making the leap of faith from the roof... believing with all your might that you will have an "Individuality" in the other world!"

He sighed, thinking back to all the pain and disappointment he's been through since he found out he was quirkless. Even his mother, who believed in him more than anyone else, did nothing but tearfully apologize to him. While the sentiment was nice, it showed him a horrible truth. Not even she thought he could be a hero.

When I was little, I had made that decision already, Izuku thought, conviction rising. I should just avoid listening to what people say! I need to keep my head up and to continue to move forwards. I'll keep smiling... just like All Might.

However, Izuku was so lost in thought that he failed to notice something slide out of the sewer grid behind him. The creature, made of a dark green mud and sludge, rose from the ground, staying in Izuku's blind spot. It took a quick look around, surveying for any witnesses before grinning, seeing that there were none.

"Invisibility cloak..." the monster grumbled, causing Izuku to freeze. "A size medium, too..."

W-what? Izuku thought, turning. He stared in horror at the creature. A villain?

The sludge villain laughed as he tackled the boy, attempting to cover him completely.

"Don't worry," the villain laughed. "Now stop struggling like that. Be a good little boy and let me take control of that body of yours, kay? It'll only hurt for about 45 seconds... then all your pain will disappear!"

Izuku tried to scream but both his mouth and nose were covered by the villain's body, suffocating him.

I-I can't call for help! Izuku screamed internally. I can't even breath!

"Thanks for this, kid. You really are my hero!" the villain laughed as he mocked the boy, waiting as the life began to leave Izuku's eyes. "I didn't think someone like him would be nearby, but if he thinks he can catch me when I'm in liquid form, then he's dreaming!"

Izuku struggled with all his might, clawing at the sludge to no avail. I'm losing strength, he thought. I'm going to die! Please, someone, anyone! Help me! I don't want to....


A vibrant green projectile flew through the air, slamming Izuku in the stomach with enough force to push the boy out the sludge villain's grasp. Izuku tumbled to the ground, coughing out pieces of sludge and gunk. Looking to see his savior, he looked up and gaped.

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