The orphanage

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Rain. It can mean a lot of thing to different people, for some it can mean having a really bad and sad day, to others it can mean having a day to just relax and think; but to Roman it meant being home drinking a cup of hot chocolate while watching disney movies and cuddling in his bed with himself, it didnt meant having to act in a small orphanage to get 50% of his grade on Ethics.
"We shouldnt be here right now!" Roman huffed dramatically to his friend.
"I know Roman, but throwing a tantrum isnt going to help our case" Mark answered while rolling his eyes.
"Throwing a tantrum?! I am NOT throwing any tantrums at all! I am just stating facts" Roman snapped madly.
"And stating facts isnt going to give you the 50% of your grade, so you better start using all that energy to act" the teacher interrumpted their conversations and made the two friends rather uncomftrable, it is vey rude to interrupt any conversation.


"Cmon V, some very nice kids are going to do a play for you!"Rose exclaimed watching the teen who was just looking outside the window. Said orphan didnt even looked at her, he simply shook his head. "Just this once for me, please" The black haired guy looked at Rose "Please!!!" Just then did the guy gave in. He couldnt say no to Roses big brown eyes.
When the teen got up from the small sofa that sat in front of his bed Rose cheered and accompanaied him to the living room where the rest of the orphans were sitting happily and chatting loudly to each other.
Just as Virgil took a seat as far away posible the play started.

Just as Roman was acting as a very douchy prince he noticed the teen sitting at the very end of the room; the guy seemed interesting, clearly the oldest one, he was wearing a big hoodie with no interesting design plastered in, he had big black circles under his eyes and was pale white (clearly because of make-up). Roman made a mental note to talk to him once the play finished.
Every single kid loved the prince, he was handsome, brave, charming, hopeful and more, but to the only teen in the orpanage he was just a dick, the way he walked and dressed, maybe it was just the character but he still didnt like him.
When the play ended roman was the first one to run from behind the stage towards the living room. Many others would have gone straight to talk and work with the happy and excited kids that clearly wanted to meet him, but, Roman is not like many people. That's why it surprised almost everyone who was looking at him when the actor walked to the very back of the room and sat in front of the emo boy, the same boy who wasn't really paying any attention to the play because the rain seemed way more interesting than a dumb cliché.
"Hey! The names Roman" the teen greeted happily "and you are?" The other didn't answer, he just gave roman a quick look before his gaze went straight to the window. "Are you having a raindrop race? Those are fun! Tho I normally get real mad when I don't win" the orphan still didn't move one bit.
"Oh Roman darling I'm sorry but V here doesn't really like to talk" suddenly explained a woman who seemed to be on her mid fifties, she had a messy bun of white hair on her head and a little kinda chubby body, made her look like a nice person "so I wouldn't really waste my time with him if I were you and go with someone else" Well it made her LOOK like a nice person, didn't make her one.
"I am very sorry miss, I will leave in a minute" Roman answered turning back to look at the orphan.
"I'm just saying, he is not really worth your time, sweetheart" and just like that the mean old lady walked away.
"She was a dragon-witch wasn't she?" V gave him a weird look, at least he looked at him again! "But don't worry, I'm not leaving... unless you want me to" Roman muttered the last part.
V didn't know what he was thinking, but he knew that it wasn't like himself when he simply shook his head.
"Do you want to leave? Or to stay? I don't understand it" Roman was clearly confused, but who could blame him really. V sighed heavily and prepared himself for yet another person leaving just for getting the wrong idea when all of a sudden "wait! I got an idea!" That's when Roman took his cellphone out of his pocket, opened the notes app and passed the device to him "you can talk to me through here if it makes you feel more comfortable"
V was in shock, all of a sudden this kid comes up to you and seems to understand you completely and care about you more than your parents even did, it will shock you too.
V quickly found the way to type yet he was very slow to reply "please stay, and I'm sorry if I'm slow to reply, i have never touched a phone in my life"
"What!? No way!" Roman answered quite impressed
"They don't really accept technology, they say it's the devils doing or something"
"That's why I don't have WiFi... but have u ever touched any piece of technology? Like a computer or tv..."
"Computer and tv, but since I'm the oldest, let's just say I don't get to have the chance to at least be a teenager"
"Roman what are you doing!?" The Ethics teacher interrupted (again) and made V quickly hide the phone on one  of the many pockets the big hoodie had "you must go with the other kids, this kid here clearly doesn't want to be bothered"
"No buts! You are to work with the others, now!" And just like that the teacher had managed to cut a wholesome moment between to different teenagers "I'm sorry I-" a hand on this shoulder interrupted him and V tried to type an answer as quickly as possible
"Don't worry I get you!" V tried to return the phone but Roman shook his head
"Just take the phone the rest of the hour, I have some games you can play, just don't message anybody else, okay?"
V simply nodded with a small smile on his lips.
The hour passed very quickly which saddened V. When he saw the green eyed teen walk back to him he gave the other a little friendly smile.
"Hey dude, guess its time, huh?" Roman seemed disappointed, V only nodded "Can you guys have visits every other day?" V quickly took the note app again.
"I think so, why you asking?" A smile appears on Romans face.
"No reason."
And after giving the phone back Virgil watched as a very friendly and nice teen walked away. A small smile in his face.
Hey hey!
I've had this idea for a while now, guess I just had the nerves to actually post it. I think this one shots are mainly going to be plot ideas I don't have the talent to continue, if you want to take this ideas just ask in the comments or privately please!

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