Hoshi's secret

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"We promise, right guys?" Slenderman asked
"Yep, we all promise," everyone said
"Okay, Hoshi was raped while taking a shower and he has scars on his body from it so he doesn't take showers or baths with anyone, and another thing that he told me to say" Toby stopped
"Okay, what is it?" Ben asked
"That he's gay" Toby hesitated
"So he doesn't want to take a shower or baths with anyone?" Slendermad said confused
"Yes were you listening while I was talking?" Toby sighed

-Hoshi was done taking a bath-
"Umm, sir?" Hoshi hesitated
"Ah yes, what do you know?" Slenderman answered
"I need clothes" Hoshi replied
"Okay I'll be back in a bit" Slenderman replied back
"Okay then" Hoshi cheered

-With Toby-
"Hey Masky, Hey Masky, Hey Masky, HEY MASKY!" Toby snapped
"What do you want, Toby" Masky growled
"I wanna tell you something, Masky?" Toby spilled
"Okay then, what is it?" Masky cringed
"I-I LIKE YOU!" Toby confessed
"Umm, I l-like you too!" Masky confessed
"Really!?!?" Toby panicked
 "Yes Toby, even though we just met" Masky admitted

-With Hoshi-
"Here you go Hoshi hopes it fits you" Slenderman smiled
"I hope so too" Hoshi replied

-Hoshi got dressed-
"Umm, Sir this is a dress" Hoshi blushes
"Wow~" Ben spluttered
"Umm, does it cover my back?" Hoshi asked
"No, I see the scars Toby told us about" Ben replied
"Umm, Ben? what are you doing" Hoshi whimpers
"Something that will make you scream my name" Ben cheered
"Hahahahahhahahahaahahahahahah BEN STOP BEN HAHAHhahahHAHHA that tickles STOP BEN HAHAhahHAHHAh" Hoshi burst out laughing
"Told you, was I right?" Ben grinned
"Ahhh HAHAHAHah Ben Stop!" Hoshi smiled
"OHHH~ I see what's happening here" Jane joked
"It's not what it looks like, Jane, Ben was tickling me!" Hoshi sighed
"What's happening here?" Toby wondering
"Toby, Why do you have a hickey?" Ben asked
"Umm, No reason" Toby nervously laughed
"Oh god, Toby why did you tell me, my ears" Hoshi yelped
"Is this like a wedding or what" Blossom
(I forgot his name already, I'm calling him Blossom until I remember his name)
"It's not a wedding Ben was tickling me" Hoshi yawned
"Looks like someone is tired" Jane grinned
"I'm not tired just yet" Hoshi sleepily

-Ej picked up Hoshi and walks to his room and lays him down on the bed, taking his shoe off-

"He's peacefully sleeping in his room and Jane Slenderman wants you to his office" Ej beamed
"Oh okay then" Jane sighed

-In Slenderman's office-
"You needed me, sir?" Jane asked
"Yes I wanted to tell you something" Slenderman grinned
"Okay? What is it?" Jane wondered
"I want you to watch Hoshi because he seems scared when he saw Rake" Slenderman shuddered
"Okay, I will begin tomorrow in the morning!" Jane smiled

That's all for now
I finally know his name! 
It's Saki! After a while
Hope you enjoyed it because I did 

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