Chapter 1

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Penny's POV

Hiro? Hiro?

Hiro Hiro Hiro Hiro Hiro Hiro Hiro Hiro Hiro Hiro Hiro Hiro Hiro Hiro Hiro Hiro Hiro Hiro Hiro HiroHiro Hiro Hiro Hiro Hiro Hiro Hiro Hiro Hiro HiroHiro Hiro Hiro Hiro Hiro Hiro Hiro Hiro Hiro HiroHiro Hiro Hiro Hiro Hiro Hiro Hiro Hiro Hiro HiroHiro Hiro Hiro Hiro Hiro Hiro Hiro Hiro Hiro HiroHiro Hiro Hiro Hiro Hiro Hiro Hiro Hiro Hiro HiroHiro Hiro Hiro Hiro Hiro Hiro Hiro Hiro Hiro HiroHiro Hiro Hiro Hiro Hiro Hiro Hiro Hiro Hiro HiroHiro Hiro Hiro Hiro Hiro Hiro Hiro Hiro Hiro HiroHiro Hiro Hiro Hiro Hiro Hiro Hiro Hiro Hiro HiroHiro Hiro Hiro Hiro Hiro Hiro Hiro Hiro Hiro


Slapping the table multiple times, I just stopped my alarm clock… wow. I sat up, rubbing my sleepiness away at the same time, I'm trying to get a clear sight of my room. Once I did, I got out of my bed then fixed it. I went to my calendar to see if there's anything special…

'Hmmmm… Nov 14, 15, 16' I counted in my mind 'Oh! 17…'

"Now lets see… " I said to myself as I looked a little lower "Hmmm… 'First Day Of School'… "

Ooohhhh, so its the first day of school, niiiicccceeee… wait…

"ITS THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!" I sai- no shouted to myself. I quickly went to my bathroom, took a sweet bath, changed to my clothes, fixed my hair, brush my teeth then went down.

"Morn-" my mom said but I cut her off and said "Morning!"  then I sat on one of the chairs on the table then she placed the cereal in front of me and I started eating "Whersh jad?" I asked while there's still food in my mouth. "Oh, he went off early. He's got lots of work and documents." she answered. "Okay!" I said and took one last scoop and kissed my mom in the cheek then got my knapsack and went to the back yard and took some water and dog food and Bolt's leash then placed it inside my bag and took Bolt and placed him in his cage which I carry, Bolt's my dog.

Yea, they allow pets in our school.

I went outside the door and waited for the school bus… BEEP! BEEEEEP! I twitch a little at how loud it was. I went inside the bus and looked for a seat to sit on, Oh found o-


I heard.. Hiro? I turned to where the voice came from, and yes, it was Hiro. I smiled as he patted a seat beside him, telling me to sit beside him and so I did.

"How are you?" he asked, "I'm great, you?" I answered and asked, "Sam-"

"Excuse me! Ughh! EXCUSE ME!"

Wait, is that Lorisse? I peeked to the middle of the bus… yea… it was Lorisse… followed by Ari and Jossel…

"Anything wrong?"

I turned to see Hiro… inches away…

Oh no! No, no, no, no! I can't be red right now! I just can't!

As soon as he noticed our position, his eyes became wide and he pulled away and scartch the back of his neck… "S-sorry…" he said… awww, cute.

"Well, well, isn't the UNLUCKIEST Penny in the whole world!" I heard Lorisse say then I turned around a to see her smirking a devilish smirk. I gulped. What is she gonna do now?

"Shut up, Lorisse."

W-wait. D-did Hiro… say that? I turned to my otherside and saw Hiro looking at Lorisse… but more like… with a mad and annoyed face with his arms crossed. I turned to my otherside to see a hurt Lorisse, her eyes begin to become watery and her mouth twitching while Ali and Jossel pat her back. "H-Hiro, I-I thought y-you like m-me…" she said, about to cry.

"Why would I like a girl who bullies my BESTFRIEND." Hiro said, making the last part louder. And this time, Lorisse really cried but I set that aside now. Did Hiro really say that? Did he even mean it? Is he really saying this? The same questions repeated in my head again and again and again and all over again. I touched my head with my thumb and my pointer.

"Head ache?" Hiro asked. "Yea, but its nothing you should really worry about…" I answered. "Okay." he said.

Soon the bus stopped. Hiro and I met the gang outside because they were at the 2nd school bus. I took a deep breath as we entered one of the best schools in San FranTokyo… welcome back to my life… Nerd School…

More Than Friends [Henny fanfic]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin