Chapter One

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A young girl sits outside a barn, nose buried in a book. She pushes her hair back from her face, straining to focus on the pages. A wind blows past, and she looks up.

"Oh hi there everyone!" she says, sitting up. "My name is Elayne. I'm just re-reading our book. I hope you all will like it!" She holds it up, showing the cover of the exact book you have chosen to read. "Well, what are you waiting for? Go read it! And be sure to comment and vote please!"

She goes back to reading.

"Cam, pass me the screwdriver." Andy sighed, glancing between her notebook and their current project. The two have been working on, in Layman's terms, a portal. Just a small science experiment. Camryn threw the screwdriver at andy as she works on the software side of the project.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS UP PEOPLE?!?" Sarah shouts as she walks in the barn and takes her colored sunglasses off. "I have brought the prisoners here." She continues while holding the door open and revealing Vic, Nikki, and Sam.

"WHAT'S UP, BRO!" Erin yells from the second level of the barn. She goes to the edge and waves to Sarah, nearing falling.

"THE CElLING IS WHAT'S UP!" Elayne yells back at the two of them as she stares down an old archery target. She picks up a couple of knives and practices throwing them into the target, landing bulls-eyes every time.

"Hey, how'd you guys get up the- oh never mind." Sarah says as she jumps onto a haystack and pulls herself up using the ledge. Sitting down next to Andy, she asked, "So, how's the portal coming along?".

"Maybe you'd know if you actually helped instead of shooting arrows at an old target," Andy said and rolled her eyes. "We'd be done by now." Nikki walked over to Andy and started messing with the tools they were using before being shoved away.

"Hey! I helped you guys create the blueprints!" Sarah argued.

"Yeah, yeah, now shut up. We're almost done." Andy replied and turned back to the portal.

Elayne sticks the last knife into the target before climbing up to the loft and falling backward into the hay. "It's hot up here."

"Title of your sex tape!" Sarah said, referencing her favorite TV show, Brooklyn 99. Laughs and chuckles were heard before everyone quieted down again.

"Guys tone it down I need to focus." Andy sighs twisting the screwdriver, tightening the screws around the wire that was connected to the power source.

"Yeah shut up unless you're helping us or yelling at the rats." Camryn lets her tools spark above her head as she works on circuiting the motherboard.

"What's that thing do anyway? You guys have been working on it forever." Vic sighed.

"Yeah, I wanna use it! See where it'll take us," Nikki calmly walked over to the corner and pulled out her phone.

"Shut the hell up and LET US FOCUS. If you'd have done that, maybe, just maybe we'd already be done!" Camryn yells up at her friend, glaring daggers through her shades.

"Essentially Kinetic energy is being stabilized in this cube while managing to be the power source. The whole idea behind an Einstein-Rosen bridge is that there are bridges traveling through space-time, and we need to travel along those bridges." Andy starts off.

"But it's similar to time travel, so if we mess up,  the quantum fluctuation could fuck with the Planck Scale, which triggers the Deatsch proposition. IF we don't try and counteract that happening, then we're all going to plummet into nonexistence. It's a trillion to one chance of all of us living. And that's IF we even get the shape of the power source correct-and trust me it's not a square- so that the whole thing doesn't decimate the planet." Camryn grumbles on, her fingers gliding across the keyboard.

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