Time for a Little Improvisation

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The next day, Ariel and Sebastian awoke to the sound of birds chirping outside of the window of the guest room.

"Good morning," Ariel yawned, stretching slightly causing Sebastian to chuckle deeply.

"Good morning, my love. How did you sleep?"

"I slept okay, how about-" Ariel stopped herself before they laughed together at her words.

"Still, it was nice to actually sleep in a bed last night," Ariel said as she began to stand up, her bones popping in various places.

"Has your aunt returned home yet?" Sebastian questioned as he stood up, as well. He fixed his black t-shirt as he awaited Ariel's response.

"I don't think so," Ariel replied as she opened the door to the hallway, "But I'll go see."

The house itself was quiet, the only sound being that of Ariel's feet on the carpeted stairs. Black orbs searched and searched around the living room, and then the kitchen, and even the washing room--nothing.

"No, she's not back yet. Her note said she was on a business trip, so I honestly can't tell you when she'll be back."

"Well, for now I should get back. I'll drop in later this evening," Sebastian said before pulling Ariel into a tight hug. "Please stay safe."

"I will," Ariel laughed lightly, "You're acting like I attract danger."

"Something like that," Sebastian teased, placing a gentle kiss on Ariel's lips.

"I'll be okay, I promise. I can protect myself," Ariel said as Sebastian let go of her.

"I know you can, I just wish you didn't have to." Sebastian's gaze lingered on the girl before him before he said a final goodbye and walked out of the front door, his promise of returning that evening causing Ariel to smile slightly. After a moment of letting everything sink in, Ariel moved into the kitchen and began making breakfast. Once breakfast was finished, she sat at the kitchen counter and began eating. A few minutes of silence passed before Ariel felt her phone ring in her pocket. I kind of regret sleeping in this dress, but I really was too tired, she thought before pulling out her phone to see a message from Raven.

Hey, are you busy today?

Ariel had to admit that she was actually kind of surprised at how interested Raven seemed in her. Maybe it's because there aren't many people in this town like us, Ariel thought before replying to Raven's message.

Not really, why?

I was wondering if we could hang out together today.

Yeah, where to?

Just meet me at the park.

Ariel finished her breakfast and placed the dishes in the sink before washing them, her thoughts racing with what this dull town could have in store for her. She finished washing the dishes and then walked out to her car. Ariel unlocked the doors and grabbed a few of her bags, then proceeded to walk back into the guest room of the house and change.

Ariel striped off her black dress and tights and replaced them with opaque tights and a classic Lolita black layered lace up dress and pulled her hair into an elegantly messy bun. She searched through one particular bag, and pulled out a pair of Nola platform boots. She then did her makeup and smiled at herself in the mirror once she was finished.

"Perfect," She said before putting her phone, wallet, and laptop into her coffin bag and slinging it over her shoulders. Before she walked out, an idea struck her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2020 ⏰

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