Chapter One

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Frostpaw crouched behind the thick ferns. Green leaf was here, and Frostpaw was on her last hunting mission. A plump mouse sat in a clump of nettles just in front of the growing she cat. She and her best friend, Falconpaw, were becoming warriors that day. Frostpaw crept through the patch of ferns and pounced on the mouse. With a single bite to the neck, it was dead. Frostpaw picked up the fresh kill and buried it. A few hours later, she had caught a vole, squirrel, and a magpie. 

She carried the big and heavy kill to the clearing of Thunderclan camp. After dropping it in the Fresh Kill Pile, she kept her magpie and brought it to the apprentices eating stump. Falconpaw was hunting in Snakerocks, and for starting at dawn, he must have caught a lot of prey. After taking a few bites of her magpie, she smelled a familiar scent. Falconpaw!

The young Tom was holding a plump mouse in his jaws, and he padded towards Frostpaw. "You hunted like a kit!" He mewed jokingly. "Well at least a kit-hunter like me can do ten times better than you!" She yowled and pounced on Falconpaw playfully. She pinned him down, her eyes glowing with pride. Falconpaw jumped up on Frostpaw, and pawed her on the cheek. They jumped off of each other, and padded to the stump. 

"Are you excited? To be a warrior? I sure am." Falconpaw asked. Frostpaw just nodded, and took a bite of her fresh kill. Falconpaw gulped his down, and Frostpaw finished what she hadn't already eaten.

 "Hi!" came a voice from the apprentices den. Shadowpaw padded to where the two cats were, and he mewed, "Congratulations, guys! Your becoming warriors!" he gave a toothy grin and sat with his tail curled neatly around him. "Thanks, Shadowpaw!" Falconpaw said. "Yeah, thanks. I assume you will be a warrior next moon?" Frostpaw asked. Shadowpaw nodded his agreement. 

"Congrats. I think I'll go see Nofur or Brambleclaw," Frostpaw mewed and started to walk away. After going through the clearing, she decided to go see Nofur and the elders. Soon, Frostpaw made it to the back of the camp. "Hey, youngster! I hear your ceremony is soon!" That voice was not Nofurs, it was Fourclaws. "Hey, Fourclaw. Yeah, I'm pretty excited to be a warrior!" Frostpaw said, and then asked, "Where is Nofur?" Fourclaw went over to the elders den, and peeked her head inside. Frostpaw could hear the yowling of Wormface inside, saying he needed rest, and to get out. The old she cat came back out of the den. "Is she there?" Frostpaw asked anxiously. "No. I forgot that she had gone to see Brambleclaw about her stomach ache," Fourclaw mewed. "I guess I'll go see Brambleclaw, then," Frostpaw then padded through the clearing.

Before making it to the den, she heard the familiar mew of Gingerstar from the High Rock. "May all cats old enough to catch their own prey join here for a clan meeting?" Frostpaw turned her direction and ran towards the clearing. She sat down next to Nettlefoot and Falconpaw, with Shadowpaw not far in front of her. Nettlefoot was a senior warrior, and he flicked his tail to his apprentice. "Calm down!" he whispered to him. Falconpaw sat still, but he still had excitement in his eyes. Frostpaw new exactly what he was thinking. They would become warriors.

Gingerstar stood still on the High Rock, and soon called, "Today we gather to make two apprentices warriors. Falconpaw, Nettlefoot?" Falconpaw and Nettlefoot stood in front of Gingerstar, and she said the ritual words. "Will you uphold the code, and protect this clan, even with the cost of your life?" Falconpaw nodded. Gingerstar then finished off. "Falconpaw, as a warrior, you will now be known as Falconfury." She mewed, and touched noses with the young warrior. "Falconfury, Falconfury, Falconfury!" The clan chanted. Frostpaw found herself with a grin at her friends success.

 Frostpaw found herself with a grin at her friends success

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"Frostpaw? Flowerface?" Gingerstar called. Frostpaws white coat gleamed in the sunlight. Her mother, Flowerface, stood beside her daughter. She and Frostpaw walked in front of the High Rock, and their leader called, "Frostpaw, as a warrior, do you accept the code, and will you protect this clan, even at the cost of your life?" she asked. "I will." Gingerstar looked down at her. "Then it is settled. You will now be known as Frostfur." Gingerstar touched noses with Frostfur, and jumped back on the High Rock.

Frostfur's eyes sparkled with pride and excitement as the clan chanted her new name. After padding back to her spot beside Falconfury and Nettlefoot, Gingerstar stayed up on the High Rock. 

"My deputy would like to speak to Flowerface," she announced, and the clan cleared off except for Blackstripe and Flowerface. "I wonder what Blackstripe wants with my mother." Frostfur said. "Well, it's none of our business. Come on!" Falconfury started to pad away, but then stopped when he noticed Frostfur was crouching behind a few ferns. "You've gotta be kidding me!" Falconfury jumped behind the ferns and crouched. "Why are we doing this?" he asked. "Quiet! Just listen," Frostfur crept a bit closer to the two cats. 

Flowerface's eyes were clouded with horror. "... and consider your daughter! If you don't do it, she's no more than crow-food!" Blackstripe mewed, and Frostfur jumped back. Her mother's eyes lit up as the frightened warrior lowered her head. She snapped up and the worry in her eyes faded. She then yowled, "You lay a claw on her and she won't be the one that's crow-food, you coward!" Blackstripe sat in silent fury. With a calm voice, he meowed, "Well, then you leave me no choice." He glanced around the camp, but no one was there, so he swiped at Flowerface's eye, leaving it blind.

Frostfur and Falconfury stared in horror. A low growl sounded through Frostfur's body. She lifted her paws to pounce on Blackstripe, but Falconfury stopped her. "Don't blow our cover," he said. Flowerface opened her jaws to yowl and expose Blackstripe, but Blackstripe knew what she was doing. "Don't want me to blind your other eye, do you?" he said as Flowerface stood there, trying not to show her pain and agony. 

Flowerface sat in the grass and curled her tail around her body. "I will make a deal with you," She mewed, "As long as no cats are harmed, I will ask Brambleclaw about making that "special mixture" you want." Blackstripe looked pleased. "I knew you wouldn't let me down, Flowerface,"  he mewed, and flicked his tail in dismiss.

She then stalked away to the warriors den miserably. Blackstripe shot his head up, signaling he smelled a cat. "Uh oh," Falconfury mewed. "If your there, come out, you spies!" The two cats stayed put. 

Frostfur and Falconfury tried to stay as still as possible. What if he catches us? What will happen?, Frostfur thought. "What are you two doing?" Frostfur and Falconfury whipped around. Blackstripe stood behind them, his black-grey fur gleaming. The whole forest fell silent. Not even the birds continued to sing their harmonizing songs. "We were.. uhm.. we..." Frostfur could not think of an answer to his question. "We were going hunting!" Falconfury blurted. Blackstripe raised his brow. "Are you? Then don't sit here like Two-leg rubbish and go get some fresh kill!" he yowled and padded to the warriors den. 

"Come on, let's go." Frostfur mewed. "Right." They ran to the vast forest ahead. Falconfury took a glance at Frostfur and turned his eyes to the ground. "I really don't know why we watched that. Every urge told me to run!" he yelped. "Well, now we can stop him!" Falconfury just stared into Frostfur's eyes.  "Stop him?! Are you crazy?" Falconfury mewed. "Well, maybe I am. I just want to make sure this clan stays strong and legendary!"

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