018 Dead dream part one

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There he lay,
In his bed all day.
Wondering what went wrong,
Making the days feel long.
If his dream wouldn't have been big,
If he would have went for that gig,
He would be there instead of here,
Living with no fear.
It all started with the test,
To judge who was best,
Jamie never tested well,
Though his grades hit the bell.
The colleges didn't want him,
Making his options slim,
Becoming a Doctor was his dream,
Putting the cherry on the cream.
If it wouldn't have been for that test,
He would have made it like the rest.
Then a college suggested a gig,
Making his hopes big,
But it wasn't to his standards,
His heart never felt blander.
Yet, no one knows why,
His score was one number too shy.

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