how you guys get back together

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Anthony~ you guys talk it out

Chase~ you guys hug and talk about stuff and then talk it out

Noen~ you see him at a hang out and your friends say how much he misses you so you go up to him and kiss him

Kevin~ you guys are buying clothes but didn't know you guys were there so you bump into each other and talk

Jaden~ he tells you that you are enough for him and he couldn't ask for anyone else

Payton~ you see the notification that he was live and you click on it you see he's talking about you and told his fans to stop hating on you. You text him and say you needed to talk to him

Griffin~ you friends begged for it

Joe~ Jason talked to him

Jason~ Joe talked to him

Sam~ it had been 2 mouths and then you guys started talking again

Josh~ he begged and showed proof that he was not cheating

Kio~ you guys couldn't stay apart for not even a day

Troy~ you were hanging out with Avani and he was at the hype house you decided to talk to him

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